Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
racuneta "approved (feminine)" [az96]
racvu, racu, raquvu, racuthu, racventu, racvitu, ravnthu, ravunthu female name [mc91: 98]
rae "lines, stripes" [az96]
rafi family name [az96: 25]
ramlisia "support, sustain" [az96]
Ramnes Latin equitês name of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, rah 59]
ramnuna name [mc91: 95]
ramutha, ramatha, ramtha, ramta female name [g/lb83, mc91: 41]
ranazu male name [mc91: 67]
rapli [lrp 48]
rasce male name [g/lb85: 161]
rasnele "for the Etruscans" (Delphi Inscription) [dep]
rathiu "(registration) number" [az96]
rathlth "engraver" > "haruspex, calculator?" [az96]
ratum "accurately, according to law" [g/lb83, 85: 191]
raufe, rauhe, ruvfe male name [mc91: 50]
rauthe "excellent?" [az96]
ravna, ravena "Ravenna (town)"
ravnthu female name [g/lb83]
rax- "prepare" [g/lb83]
rea "straight" [az96]
rel "trascorso" > "esito?" [az96]
remzi "structure, beam" [az96]
ren "course, period" [az96]
rena "to punish" [az96]
renine "fleeting, passing, falling into ruin" [az96]
repine "inclination, propitious" [az96]
rescial, recial, resxualc, rescunia deity similar to a Lasa [g/lb83]
reusce"happens" [az96]
reuxzina "aroma, perfume" [az96]
-ri, -eri concept of obligation or necessity [mp68: 400]
-ri, -eri nominalizer [mp68: 400]
rici- "good condition" [az96]
ril "aged, at the age of" [am91, g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75, pa, dep]
rita "connection, weave" [az96]
rithna "offering" [mp68: 409]
rivax "(which) decaes, weakens" [az96]
riza "to prop, support" [az96]
-rna ending [pa]
*ror- [b/b 105-06]
rosa "rose" Latin [bc 199]
rua "rumor, voice?" [az96]
ruifre male name [g/lb85: 157]
ruma "Roma (town)" [g/lb83, djh 14]
rumi "rumor, fame" [az96]
runxlvis "collected, ammassed?" [az96]
rupsa "(which) smashes, piece?" [az96]
rutania "turning" > "fortune" [az96]
ruthiax "one who ha la mazza, il randello" [az96]
rutile "ornament, (something) splendid" [az96]
rutz, ruz "course" [az96]
ruva "brother" [am91, az96, cb, jpm, v, g/lb83, pa, dep]
ruvfe family name
The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
This compilation is copyrighted.
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999
-r plural suffix [mp68: 395]
racuse "to approve" [az96]
racvanie "approval" [az96]
racvu, racu, raquvu, racuthu, racventu, racvitu, ravnthu, ravunthu female name [mc91: 98]
"excellent" [az96]
< *rem- [az96]
see Ramnenses "Romans" [A Modigliano cit. g/lb85: 54]
"engraver, etcher" > "haruspex" [az96]
rane"engraver, etcher" > "sounding, investigation" [az96]
rapa "engraving, writing" [az96]
rapale "engraving" [az96]
rapalni, raplni "engraver, writer" [az96]
< *ghraph [az96]
see Latin rabula "pettifogging advocate" [lrp 48]
"increaser (of the lineage/race)" [az96]
< *ras-,*res- [az96]
rasna, raSna, rasnea-, rasna-s, rasnea-s, raSne-S, rasna-l, raSnal, raSne "Etruscan, people, popular" [am91, cb, djh 10, v, EB XXII:801, g/lb83, mp68, pa]
rasnal, rasne "popular" [az96]
"of Etruria" [pa]
rasnea "people, populus" [az96]
< *trusia, Lemnian *trosia [mcv]
see Greek gloss rasénna [cb, djh 10, v, EB XXII:801, g/lb83, mp68]
see Umbrian Turskus "Umbrian" [Pallottino cit. fr]
see Latin tursci, tusci, Tuscania [Pallottino cit. fr, mcv]
< turs, tus- + Latin adj. suffix -cus (*-ko-) [mcv]
etrusci < Etrus- + Latin adjectival suffix -cus < *-ko- [mcv]
See Latin Etrûria < *Etrûsia with intervocalic -s- > -r-[mcv]
suffix -ia is Latin and Greek not necessarily Tyrrhenian [mcv]
*turs-, tursen- ~ *trus- may correspond to rasna < *rasenna
*tu-rasenna- might work but Etruscan is suffixing [mcv]
see Greek Troïa "Troy" [mcv]
< *Trosia, with loss of intervocalic -s- [mcv]
see Greek tursenoi, tyrrhe:n- [iffr, mcv]
< *turse:n- [mcv]
see Egyptian TWRS^3, trS.w, twrwS'.w, twryS'.w, twyrS.w, tursha (band of Aegean Sea Peoples) [mcv, mp68: 95, iffr]
see tarhuntassa, tauros, tarsus, tarquin [iffr]
see Greek túrsis "tower" [g/lb 85: 59]
see Latin turris "tower" [g/lb 85: 59]
name related to Etruscan port of Pyrgi? [rmcc]
< Greek púrgoi "the towers" [rmcc]
ratu "to calculate, evaluate" [az96]
"ratio" [az96]
see Latin rite "accurately, according to law" [g/lb83, 85: 191]
see Latin ratio "reckoning, account" [az96]
"reddish" [az96]
see Latin Rauenna [g/lb83, djh 14]
"smash (imperative)" [az96]
raxth "prepare" [gzb]
see raxuth, racth, raxth, raczle, racuse [az96]
< *ghwrek "to smash" [az96]
rechlu "erect" [az96]
recte "erect (marker)" [az96]
rekasia "(something) straight, in good shape" [az96]
reketi "stable, adjusted, rule" [az96]
rexuva "(two) reestablishers, reulers, directors (Dioscuri)" [az96]
< *rekh-a [az96]
see Latin rectu- "straight" [az96]
< *rin, *ren- [az96]
remzna "Pontius (name)" [az96]
rena "punishment, vendetta" [az96]
< *rehena [az96]
repsin "to incline, propitiate" [az96]
< sval "to live"? [g/lb83]
"(deity) who makes grow, develops" [az96]
reuscesc "happened" [az96]
corresponds to Latin gerundive [mp68: 400]
to pass, elapse" [az96]
< *rin-l- [az96]
*srei "to run" [az96]
rinus "event" [az96]
rinuth "which flows, procede, advances" [az96]
rithnaita "woven, concatenated" > "series, related things" [az96]
Tyrrhenian root?
via Etruscan [cw 79]
< *wrod-ya [cw 79]
see Greek rhodon "rose" [cw 79]
< *wrod-o [cw 79]
see Persian gul "rose" [cw 79]
< IE * wrod- [cw 79]
of Tyrrhenian origin?
"bridge, ford, passage?" [rmcc]
see remzna "Pontius" [rmcc]
rumax, rumate "Roman" [az96, g/lb83, mp68, pa]
rumax "Roman" [pa]
< *remna [lrp 48]
see Latin -rupt- [az96]
rutapis "Rhô:dopis" [g/lb85: 54]
"turning, spinning" [az96]
ruthcva "turbines, ruins" [az96]
"rites?" [am91]
see Latin rotare "to revolve' [az96]
rutia "stick, walking cane" [az96]
see Latin rudis "stick" [az96]
ruze "engraving" > "trace" [az96]
see Latin ruta "route, rue" [az96]
see Lydian brafra "brother" [er 21 Jun 99]
see Latin Rufii [g/lb83 27]
This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.