Etruscan Glossary L

Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999

-l < *-la, -al genitive ending [er 21 Jun 99; mcv 22 Jan 98, 9 Feb 99]
oblique genitive + dative suffix used with feminine nouns ending in -i, some nouns (especially personal) ending in -s, -th, -n [mp68: 396]
dative suffix [sag]
see Hittite and Lydian pronominal -l [er 21 Jun 99; mcv 22 Jan 98, 9 Feb 99]

-l plural suffix [mp68: 395]

lacerna "cloak" Latin of Etruscan origin [g/lb83: 60]

lachrimae "tears" Latin of Etruscan origin [EB XXII:647]

lacth "to languish" [az96]
see Latin languere "to be listless" [az96]

lada "woman" Latin of Etruscan origin? [lrp 57]

Ladile Latinized name [az96: 25]

lae "lease?" [az96]

laena Latin of Etruscan origin [g/lb83: 60]

laeti "happiness" [az96]
< laiveti [az96]
see Latin laetitia "happiness" [az96]

*la-i > -le personal dative ("pertinentive") [mcv]
formed by genitive + locative [mcv 23 Jan 98]

laisca "happiness" [az96]

laivisca "lucky tendency" [az96]

lalausa "ciarliero" [az96]

laman "lame, to break" [az96]
< *lam,*lem "to smash, break" [az96]

lamphe, lanphe, laphe "stone, jewel" [az96]
see Latin lapis "stone" [az96]

lamtun name "shiny [az96]

laniena "butcher's stall" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]

lanista "trainer of gladiators" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]

lanterna "lamp, torch" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]
see Gk. lampter [lrp 48]

lanti "piece, part" [az96]

lanxumite "having to do with luck" [am91]
"unit of weight" [az96]
see Greek lákhos, lankhánô, lónkhê [am91]

lapicane "vacillating" [az96]
see Latin labidus "totter, waver" [az96]

lar "political leader"
see Hittite lar "political leader" [js]
epithet of Baal [C. R. Conder. "The Hittites and Their Language" 1898: 124; cit. js]

laran, larun male deity [mp68: 371]
male deity, armed, pursues Celsclan in paintings [g/lb83]
god of war, depicted naked with helmet and spear [EM]
armed, pursues Celsclan in paintings [g/lb83]
"Mars" [mc91: 53]
< "Cutter" [az96]
larn-, larna "marcial, of Mars" [az96]
laru "(one who/which) cuts, smashes" [az96]
larun- demon [mp68: 407]
see Latin Lar "house guardian" [mp68: 371]
see Latin laceratore "mangler" [az96]

larce, laris, larth, larece, larice "Lars (masc. name)" [mc91: 40/96, g/lb83, gm97]
corresponds to Latin Lucius [g/lb83]
"big" > "generous" [az96]
larthi female name [gm97]
larthi, larthi, lartia, larthia "Larthi (female name)" [az96: 25, g/lb83, mc91: 52]
larthuza personal name [g/lb83 84, mc91: 110]
larna < larecena family name
see Latin largus "abundant" [az96]

larezu "pleasure" [az96]
larile "pleasureable" [az96]
laris name "pleasant" [az96]

larix Latin [bm 24-25]
of Rhaetian origin?

-las/-ls (*-la-si) "double genitive" (used as ablative?) [mcv 23 Jan 98]

lasa "Lasa (nymph-like deity)" [mp68: 371]
female deities; grave guardians associated with Turan; sometimes depicted with wings [EM]
< ? lar- [mp68: 371]
with epithets lasa sitmica, lasa racuneta [g/lb83] "luck, destiny" [az96]
lasa female deities; < ? lar- [mp68: 371]

lath "grant" [az96]
latva Leda" [az96]
"(she who) grants, cedes, wife?" [az96]

latithe, lathite, latini "exhausted" [az96]
lathiumiai "tired, languid" [az96]

latini family name [mc91: 102]

latni family name "(one who/which) cuts, kills, torments" [az96: 25]

laucane "shining" [az96]
lauc-ie, lauxe, lavc-ie, laucis male name [mc91: 96]
corresponding to Latin Lucius [g/lb83 74, 85: 159]
laucina, lucina family name [mc91: 96]
lauc-, luc-, lauxum, lauxume, lavuxume, lauxme, luxum-, lucume, lucumo, "king" [am91, az91, cb, dep, djh 61, g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75, pa, v]
"prosperous" [az96]
lauxumna-, lauxumne-ti "royal palace" [pa]
"rule?" [mp68]
"of the lucumo, palace" [g/lb83, mp68: 217]
"augurium?" [az96]
lucair- "to reign, to rule (as Lucumô)" [pa, dep, g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75]
lucairce "headed, governed" [am91]
< lauc-ie, lauxe, lavc-ie < *lav- [az96]
see Latin lûcêre "to shine" [rmcc]
see Latin rex [pa]
see Latin lucumô, lucumon "magistrate, governor, Etruscan king" [cb, djh 61, g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75, pa, v]
Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 57]
see Roman name Lucius [cb, djh 61, g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75, v]
see archaic Latin Loucios [g/lb83 74, 85: 159]
see Greek loxómôn, loxoúmôn [mp68: 216]
see Latin ducere "to lead" [dep]
see Breton dougen "to lead" [dep]
see Gothic tiuhan "to draw" [dep]
< ? *tleuk [dep]

, lautn, lautun, lavutn, lavtn, lautni "family, gens" [g/lb83, mc91, mp68, EB XXII:801]
"family; freedman" [cb, v]
"family, people, nation" [pa, dep]
lautn-es "of the family, gens" [mc91, mp68]
lautnescle, lautneScle "having to do with the family" [mp68: 397, mc91]
"family members" [az96]
lautneteri, lautneterie, lantneteri "freedman, client" [mp68, pa]
"family servants" [az96]
lautni, lavtni, lautuni, lavtuni, lautuni-S (masc.), lautna, lautnita, lautnitha, lavnita, lautnitha (fem.) "of the family, freed servant, family servant" [am91, az96, mc91, mp68: 395, dep, pa]
< laut, *lav-t [az96, g/lb83 81]
see IE *leudh- [mcv, mp68: 65]
see Indo-European *leudho- [pa]
see Old English lêode [pa]
see German Leute "people" [pa]
see Old English leod "people" [dep]
see Russian ljudi "people" [dep]
see Lithuanian liaudis "people" [dep]

lauxusie personal name [mc91: 95]

lavtun "(pars) familiaris (divinatory liver)" [sic] [az96]

lecetis, lecusta "tormenting" [az96]
leusa, lecusta, lucesta (masc.), luscenia (fem.) "one who torments" [az96]
< *sleg [az96]

lecin "to leave, desist, abandon" [az96]

leciva "game" [az96]
leka "to play?" [az96]
see Latin lûdere "to play" [az96]

lecne "(one who) permits" [az96]
see Latin Licinius [az96]

lei-, lein-, leine "to die" [Pallottino1936: 38, 78: 229, Pfiffig 1969: 293, g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75, pa, dep]
leine, leinie "dead" [am91]
"calm, indolent, inert" [az96]
leinth deity female/youth [g/lb83]
"(one who) diminishes, abates, stops" [az96]
see Latin languere "to be weak, to languish" [dep]
see Middle Irish lacc "weak" [dep]
see Old English sleac "slack" [dep]
see Old Baltic lenu "slow, indolent" [dep]
see Indo-European sle-, le- "to be weak" [dep]
see Nostr. *l/ejh.V "weak, soft" [ag 79]

leinies family name [g/lb83 87, mc91: 75]

leithrm-eri "guiding, conducting" [az96]
leitrum "to guide, conduct" [az96]

lemausna, lemauSna personal name [g/lb83 109, mc91: 67]
"to cleave, cut, hew, Vulcan" [az96]
< *lem/*lam "to break" [az 96]

lemni name [mc91: 56]

lemnitru, lemnite "cleaver" [az96]

Lemonia (tribe) Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]

lena "emolliant, lenitive" [az96]

lensu "slow, lazy" [az96]
lentis, letis "slow, one who slows" [az96]
see heplenta, hepleta [az96]
see Latin lentus, lentor "slow, calm" [az96]

lepista "drinking vessel" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]

leprnal adjective, unknown meaning [am91]

leprnei "Proserpina" [az96]

les to sacrifice [dep]

lescan "tomb" [am91]

leSce "relaxing (noun)" [az96]

leScu "something granted, grant" [az96]

leSe "footprint" [az96]
leSiia "trace, sign" [az96]
< *lest-ia [az96]

leta "to recover" [az96]
leta, letun terrestrial goddess of pars hostili [mp68: 251]
"Grant, Boon" [az96]
see Latin Latona (mother of Apollo and Diana) [az96]
lete "grant" > "sale" [az96]

lethae, lethai, lethaie personal name [mc91: 95]
"acuteness, subtlely" [az96]
< *leptaie < *leth- < *lept- "fine" [az96: 22]

lethams > lethns deity [mc91: 143, mp68: 251]
"one who sharpens, makes thin, unnerves (infernal deity)" [az96]
< *leptams/*leptamis [az96: 22]

lethe male name (used by the lower class) [mc91: 142]
family name [g/lb85: 166]

lethe masculine "subtle" "fine, expensive" [az96]
"servant" (male) [am91]
lethi, lethia
feminine "subtle" "fine, expensive" [az96]
"servant" (female) [am91]
see Latin lepidus, lepida "charming, elegant" [az96]
see Greek leptós, leptê [az96: 22]

lethenei family name [g/lb83 77]

lethiu "scale, sheet (of something)" [az96]

lethn natural deity [mp68: 251]

leu, lev "lion" [g/lb83, mp68, pa, dep]
leuna, leuni "lioness" [az96]
see Greek léon "lion" [az96, mcv]
see Latin leo [pa, dep]

lextum type of vase [az96, mcv, g/lb83. dep, pa]
lextumusa, lextum-uza
"little vase" [g/lb83, mp68, dep, pa]
see Greek lékuthos, lexythos type of vase [az96, g/lb83, mp68,pa, dep]

lezuqu "traced, written" [az96]

licine- male name [g/lb83 84]
see Roman family Licinius [g/lb83 84]
ligistrum Latin [bm 24-25]
of Rhaetian origin?

line "to allay?" [az96]
"to take care of" [am91]
see Latin lenire "to soften, smooth" [az96]

lithrá "a scale, measure" Mediterranean root [cw 37, rc 156]
see Latin líbra "a pound, a balance" [cw 37, rc 156]
Greek litra "unit of weight, pound" [cw 37, rc 156]
of Tyrrhenian origin?

litterae "writing" Latin via Etruscan [g/lb83 60]
see Greek dipthera "skin" [g/lb83 60]

lua "stumbling block, dissoluteness" [az96]
luesna, lvesnas "one who makes dissolute, scourge?" [az96]

lua "Lua (goddess)" Latin [az96]

luca "pain" [az96]
see Latin luctus "grief, mourning" [az96]

Luceres (equites century) Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, rah 59]
see luxre < luxere [g/lb85: 54 cit. A. Modigliano]

luci, lauci "bloom" [az96]

ludia "female gladiator, actress" Latin from Etruscan [lb 90, mp 75]
ludio "actor, gladiator" Latin from Etruscan [lb 90, mp 75]
ludus "public games" Latin from Etruscan [lb 90, mp 75]

luice < *lav-le "has rescued?" [az96]

lunaSie "still, quiet" [az96]

luncane, lunci "throwing, lance" [az96]

lup-, lupu, lupu-enas, lupu-ce "dead, to die" [am91, az96, g/lb83, mc91, mp68, rab 332, vs/amr 189, lb 90, mp 75, dep, pa]
lupuce "s/he died" [am91, az96, g/lb83, mc91, mp68, rab 332, vs/amr 189. pa]
lupvena "corpse" [az96]
see Latin Libitina "goddess of corpses" [lrp 48, 57]
see Finnish loppua "to end; to terminate; to come to an end" [pa]

lur "opening, world" [az96]
lur, lurta, lurt "Ianus, Patulcius" [az96]
luramthi ""holes, opening" [az96]
lurca to break open, smash, crush, loosen?" [az96]
luri "fissure, opening" [az96]
lurmica, lurmic "Ianualis, the one of the opening" [az96]
lursth "in the world (locative)" [az96]
luru "janitor, doorkeeper" [az96]

lusce "lucid?, twilight?" [az96]
luscni "shining" [az96]
lustra "purification by sacrifice?" [az96]
lusxnei "moon" [az96]
losna "Luna" moon goddess [EM]
see Latin luna "moon" [az96]
see Latin lucidus "shining, clear" [az96]
see Latin luscus "lucid, twilight" [az96]
see Latin lûstratio "purification by sacrifice" [az96]

luscesa (masc.) [az96]
luscenia, leusa (fem.) "straziante" [az96]

lut "praise, glory" [az96]
luth (singular), luthti (plural) "fecund" [az96]
luthcva "praise" [az96]
"games?" [am91]
luths "to praise" [az96]
< *lav-t- "prosperity" [az96]
see Latin laus "praise" [az96]
see Latin laudare "to praise, name" [az96]

luthl deity [gzb]

luvcatru "wood cutter" [az96]

lvs "Destroyer, Puncher (god)" [az96]

This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.

The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.

This compilation is copyrighted.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.
