Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
*-m archaic accusative ending [gg 4 Mar 99]
ma "greatness" > "celebration, magnification" [az96]
macre masculine family name [mc91: 102]
macula "spot" [rc 157]
made mi recie "cook it for me to the right point" [az96"392]
*magura "height, mountain" [rah 53-54]
*mal- "to look, to see" [ag 78 23-24]
mala "mountain, wilderness" (pre-Celtic) [b/b 126]
malave "to soften, exhaust" [az96]
malavisx female dressed by servants, bride? [g/lb83]
male "sign, ruins" [az96]
malga "hut," Alpine Romance [bm 24-25]
maluve "mollis, arrendole" [az96]
mam-, mani-, mar, maru "greatness" [az96]
mamarce, mamerce male name [mc91: 112]
man, mani, mani-m, man-th, manim-eri "the dead, spirits of the dead" [g/lb83, pa, dep]
manixur "those that remain, resist (plural)" [az96]
mantissa "make-weight" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, mp68: 369]
mantrns "Manturna (goddess)" [az96]
manuva, manthva "Mantua (town)" [djh 14, mp68: 205]
mar tlusc celestial deity [mp68: 251]
marale "one who shatters, smashes?" [az96]
marca "stimulus, sense" [az96]
mare "greatness, prosperity, omen" [az96]
maria "brilliant" < "vibrant" [az96]
mariS, maris, marisi "Mars" [mp68: 159]
marras "stone weapons" (pre-Celtic) [b/b 126]
mart-, marz- "one who marks, stresses, perceives" [az96]
marth "daughter-in-law?" [az96]
martith "character" [az96]
mas "male" [cw 38, rc 160]
masan, masn "Masa" a month [g/lb83, mcv 8 Nov 96, mp68, pa, dep]
masan, masn "seer, hierophant" [az96]
masate, masu "greedy, seeker" [az96]
masuripos "anagallide rossa" plant [az96]
masuve "desire" [az96]
mata "favor, benevolence" [az96]
mata type of vessel [pa, dep]<
matam, matan "above, before, earlier" [g/lb83, mp68]
math "money, mead" [b/k 32, g/lb83]
*mathi "metal?" [ag 79]
matulnai family name [g/lb83 86]
matun female name [g/lb83 73]
mavilitule "small, meager" [az96]
Mawort "Mars" [rc 160]
max, mac, maxs, mach, makh "five" [am91, az96, cb, g/lb83, mc91, mcv, rab 332, vs/amr 189, pa, dep]
maxaira "curved saber" of Etruscan origin [see mp68: 328]
mel "to delay, slow down" [az96]
melecrapisce "song writer" [az96]
meliar, meliacr, melacr, melakre "Meleager" [g/lb85: 152]
meluta, melutu family name [mc91: 121, az96]
memrun deity "dismemberer" [az96]
men, men-a, men-e, men-u, men-ece, men-axe, men-aS "to give, to
make an offering" [mp68]
menarva, menerva, meneruva, menrva, menarea, mera "Athena, Minerva" [az96, cb, djh 95, g/lb83, mc91: 53, EM, pa]
menle "Menelaos" [g/lb83]
merk- "commerce, trade" [rc 169]
merpasn- "brilliant" [az96]
meSna "one who withers, macerates" [az96]
mestle "sepulcher?" [az96]
methlum, methlum-es, methlum-eS, methlum-eri, methlum-th, methlum-t, methlumth "district, territory" [g/lb83 70, mp68]
metia "tired, weak, soft, drunk" [az91]
metli family name (fem.) [mc91: 133]
metru unknown [mc91: 68]
metus, metusnei "Medusa" [g/lb85: 151]
mevelce "grown thin, small" [az96]
mevntie "scarcity" [az96]
mex "nation" [pa, dep]
mi, me- "I" 1st.p.pronoun [am91, b/c, b/k, cb, g/lb83, v, mc91, mcv, mp68, pa, dep]
miace "(has) emigrated, gone away" [az96]
miel "passage?" [az96]
miles, militis "soldier" Latin from Etruscan [lb 90, lrp 48, mp 75, rah 59]
mima, mime "misconstrues, deludes" [az96]
minate "menacing?" [az96]
mines "one who diminishes, lowers" [az96]
misala place name [mc91: 143]
misc sane "mix well" [az96: 392]
miser, "wretched, unfortunate" Latin [cw 42, rc 171]
mlac, mlak-a, mlax "vow" [mp68: 413, pa, dep]
mlathce "weak, soft" [az96]
mler "bad, evil" [az96]
mlithuns "sweet" [az96]
mnehvra "remembered, thinker?" [az96]
*morme, *morph-á "form, beauty, outward appearance" [cw 42, lrp 52]
muca "to wind, creep" < "spread, widen" [az96]
mul-, mul-a, mul-i, mul-u, mul-une, mul-veni, mul-eni-ke, mul vani-ce, mul-ve-ne-ke, mul-vunu-ke, mul-uvani-ce "to offer, dedicate as an ex-voto, anatíthêmi" [am91, cb, g/lb83, mp68, v, pa, dep]
mulier "woman," [bc 199]
mun-, muni, muni-s, muni-s-ta-s, muni-cle-th, muni-cle-t, muni ule-th, muni-vle-th, mun-sle, mun-th "place, hypogeal place, tomb" [cw 43, g/lb83, mp68, pa, dep]
munam "to think, remember?" [az96]
muna-ta "this place" [g/lb85: 171]
municleth, munisuleth "(under) orders (to)" locative plural [az96]
mur-, murce "stay, reside, rest" [g/lb83]
murs, murS, murs-l (plural) "urn, sarcophagus, ossuary" [g/lb83. mp68]
musni "intellectual activity" [az96]
mûsum, "snout, muzzle" Latin [cw 43, rc 173]
mutana, mutna, mutne, mutnia-thi "sarcophagus" [am91, az96, g/lb83 77, mp68, pa, dep]
muth "to move" [az96]
mutina "Modena (town)" [g/lbdjh 14]
mutu [az96] "trunk, cut" [az96]
*mutu "thyme" [pa, dep]
mutuna family name (male) [mp68: 395]
mux "to fold" [az96]
myrtille "myrtle, blueberry" "French" [b/b 126]
The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
This compilation is copyrighted.
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999
-m, -um "and" [g/lb83, pa, dep]
copulative enclitic [am91, mp68]
"but" suffixed conjunction [mcv 9-2-99]
see Hittite -ma [mcv 9-2-99]
see Hittite -ma "but, emphatic particle" [dep, mcv]
see Lydian -m "emphatic particle" [dep]
mac "to magnify" > "immolate" [az96]
macst "magistrate" [az96]
macstre "master" [g/lb83 91]
macstrev, macstrev-c "magistracy" [g/lb83, mp68, dep, pa]
"was (praetor) maximus, magistrate" [az96]
macstrna "Mastarna' Servius Tullius, King of Rome" [az96, g/lb83, mp68]
"(praetor) maximus" [az96]
Mastarna Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp 57]
< *mak,*makh,*mek,*mekh "greatness" [az96]
see mex [rmcc]
see Latin magister "master" [g/lb83, mp68, pa]
see Old English magan "to be able" [dep]
see German macht "power" [dep]
macri feminine family name [mc91: 102]
see Roman family Macer [mc91: 102]
Latin of Etruscan origin?
"to give, dedicate" [g/lb83, pa, dep]
malena, malstria "mirror" [az96, g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75pa, dep]
masculinena "mirror" [pa, dep]
see Indo-European *mel- 'to show oneself' [ag78: 23-24]
Tyrrhenian origin?
"softness, effeminacy" [az96]
of Rhaetian origin?
malva "mallow" Latin [cw 38]
see Greek malakhé, molokhé "mallow" [cw 38]
of Tyrrhenian origin?
mama "greatest" [az96]
mamnthi "which celebrate, make great (pl)" [az96]
man "greatness" [az96]
mani-m "greatness, power" [az96]
manince "(to have) magnified" [az96]
manth, manth "to make powerful, great?" [az96]
see mar-, man [az96]
"Mamercus, Mars" [g/lb83]
see Oscan Mâmers "Mars" [g/lb83]
mani "funerary monument" [am91]
mania guardian of the underworld, companion of Mantus [EM]
manin-, minin-ce "to offer to the Manes?" [g/lb83. mp68]
mantus god of the underworld, patron of Mantua [EM]
see Latin manes "the dead, ghosts" [g/lb83. pa, dep]
manthvate "Mantuan, mantovano" [az96]
mantus god of the underworld, patron of Mantua [EM]
see Latin Mantua [djh 14, mp68: 205]
marce male name [g/lb83, mc91: 96, mp68: 371, pa]
"goad, sharp" [az96]
marcena, marcna male family name (male) [mc91: 53/96]
based on Marce [mc91: 53/96]
"sign, perception" [az96]
marcias "of the signs, chacters? (oblique), (which) distinguishes?" [az96]
marcnei female family name [mc91: 53]
"sign, perception" [az96]
marcni "one who marks, stresses, perceives" [az96]
see Latin Marcios > Marcius [mc91: 53/96]
see Latin Marcus [g/lb83, mc91: 96, mp68: 371, pa]
marni "magesty?" [az96]
marniu "maronate, magistracy" [az96]
maru, mâr, mare, marunu, marunux, marniu "aedile, quaestor, magistracy, official" [az96, EB XXII: 801, g/lb83, mc91: 67, mp68, pa, dep]
maru-, marv-as "to exercise the maronate" [mp68]
see derivative titles: marnu, marniu, marunu, marunux, maruxva,
marunuxva, zilath maruxva, zilc marunuxva, marunuxva cepen [az96, mp68]
maru cathsc "priest of Catha" [mp68: 227]
marunux paxanati, maru paxathuras "priest of Bacchus" [mp68: 265]
< *makhar- [az96]
see Lemnian maraz, marazm [mp68: 99]
see Latin marô type of magistrate [mp68, rab 347, pa]
see Umbrian maro, maron- [mp68, rab 347]
marmis "brilliant" [az96]
*mar- < *mbRgh [az96]
see Greek Marpessa [az96]
natural deity [mp68: 251]
male deity, appears as baby, youth, bearded man [g/lb83]
"god of change and vicissicitudes" [az96]
epithets mariS musta, mariS turan, mariS halna, mariS husrnana, mariS isminthians [g/lb83]
Tyrrhenian origin?
< *mark-t- [az96]
< *marct- [az96]
Latin of Etruscan origin?
matan "to favor" [az96]
matani "benevolence" [az96]
mathcva "benevolence" [az96]
"full of inebriating drink: [g/lb83 81]
"benevolence" [az96]
matu "to favor" [az96]
matuna "lucky, propicious" [az96]
< *mât- [az96]
"over, in front of" [pa, dep]
see Greek meta "beside, after" [dep]
see Gothic mith "with" [dep]
mathcva "full of inebriating drink" [g/lb83 81]
"benevolence" [az96]
see Greek metallon [ag 79]
matunas family name [g/lb83 75]
Latin of Etruscan origin?
see derivatives macra, macnur [mp68]
muvalx, muvalxl-, muvalx-ls "fifty" [az96, jf 141, mcv 8 Nov 96, mp68, pa]
< *max-alx [az96, jf 141, mcv 8 Nov 96, mp68]
see Indo-European "full hand, all fingers" [ag 1978]
see Nostratic *mVgE "much, many, big" [ag 1978]
mele "delay" [az96]
see Greek melógraphos [az96]
"one who delays, goes in circles, remains harsh" [az96]
"bound, fascinated" [az96]
"to carry out" [am91]
"to have to" [az96]
men ame "to commute, reciprocate" [az96]
mena "to be obliged" [az96]
menaxe "(was) given" [g/lb83 65]
"had made" [mc91]
"(was) obliged" [az96]
menas "being obliged, should (gerund)" [az96]
menatha "due" [az96]
mene "position, office, duty" [az96]
menita "(that which) changes, compensates, remunerates?"
menu, menece "did" [mc91]
corresponds to Greek "èpoíe:sen" [mc91]
"has compensated, exchanged" [az96]
menuci "changeable, mutable, rapid" [az96]
see menica, menitla [mp68]
see Latin munus "position, office, duty" [az96]
see Latin munere "to serve" [az96]
see Latin Minerva [EM, pa]
Mind, Thinking" [az96]
Italic root of Etruscan origin [rc 169]
see Latin merx < merc- "merchandise" [cw 42]
see Latin mercárí, "to trade [cw 42]
see Latin merces, "pay, price, reward" [cw 42]
see Latin Mercurius "Mercury" [cw 42]
"nation, people" (institutional term) [pa, dep]
"rural district, god of rural district" [gzb]
"assembly, council" [am91]
"city" [mc91]
"delegation, mission, embassy, legate, messenger, Mercury" [az96]
see mex [dep]
female name [g/lb85: 164]
see Greek mé:tro:n [de Simone cit. mc91: 68]
"terror, weak, soft?" [az96]
metvia, metua "Medea" [az96]
"wet, moisture" [az96]
see Latin madida "wet", mador "moisture" [az96]
see Latin metus "fear, awe" [az96]
"strong, great" [am91, az96]
"lord" [lb 299]
mex, mex-l "people, league, nation" [g/lb83, mp68]
mexl "territory" [g/lb85: 120]
"the greatest" [az96]
mex thuta "res publica" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
see methlum "district, territory" [g/lb83, mp68]
see zilath mexl rasnal, zilath mexlum raSneas "praetor of Etruria" [g/lb83, mp68]
mean, meian- "manificence, greatness" [az96]
< *meghi-an-, *megh-an- [az96]
"Nike, Victoria (crowns others with wreath)" [g/lb83]
"Gloria (goddess)" [az96]
< *mak-, makh-, mek, -mekh- [az96]
see Latin maximus [az96]
see Latin pagus "village, district" [dep]
mi-ni, me-ne, mi-na "me" accusative [am91, b/c, b/k, cb, g/lb83, v,
mc91, mcv, mp68, pa]
mini "we" [ag 79]
see derivatives mipi, minpi < mini-pi [mc91, mp68]
accusative + preposition? [rmcc]
see Latin enclitic -mini; form of mihi "to me" [pa]
see Latin me "me" [dep]
see Breton me "I" [dep]
see Gothic mik "me" [dep]
see Russian minja "me" [dep]
see Sanskrit mam "me" [dep]
see Greek eme "me" [dep]
see Indo-European *me [gg Mar 99]
see Indo-European *H1me- [mcv 9-2-99]
see Uralic *men [gg Mar 99]
see Nostratic *mi "I" [ag 79]
see Nostratic oblique *mi-nV [ag 79]
militia "army" Latin from Etruscan [lb 90, mp 75]
see Latin minax "threatening projecting" [az96]
of Etruscan origin?
mlakas, mlax, mlak-as, mulax "votive gift, offering. anathema" possessive [mp68, pa, dep]
"good to good", "genitive of good", "beautiful to beautiful" "genitive of beautiful"? [gm97]
"funerary offerings" [am91]
mlac-aS, mlak-asi "votive gift, anathema" indirect object [mp68]
mlax-as, mlaci-tha, mlax-ta, mlax-uta "votive gift, anathema" [mp68]
"beautiful, noble" [mc91]
"to please, something pleasant, grace, favor" [az96]
mlace "pleasant" [az96]
"I offered" [am91]
mlacitha "pleasant" [az96]
mlacux young woman abducted by Hercules [g/lb83]
"(one who) pleases, favors" [az96]
"funarary" [am91]
mlakas "(he) has offered" [g/lb83 110]
mlax mlakas "beautiful (male) of a beautiful (female)" [mc91: 114]
"pleasing thing?" [az96]
mlaxta "pleasant, pleasing" [az96]
mlaxuta "pleasing thing" [az96]
mulx "beautiful, nice" [pa, dep]
see mulax, mul- [mp68]
see Latin placo "to appease", placeo "to be pleasing" [az96]
see Latin placitum "agreeable" [az96]
see Latin pulcher "beautiful" [dep]
see Latin fulgo "to shine" [dep]
see Lithuanian blizgu "to shine" [dep]
see Tocharian pälk "to shine" [dep]
see Greek phalos "white" [dep]
see Old Slavic belu "white" [dep]
see Breton melen "yellow" [dep]
< *mblak- [az96]
< *mbhlg [dep]
mleru "wickedness" [az96]
melerpanta "Bellerophon" [az96]
< male-pandus? [az96]
meler > mler "evil, bad"? [az96]
see Italian mela "apple" [az96]
mnev "to have remembered" [az96]
see Latin forma "form, shape, contour, beauty, outward appearance" [cw 42, lrp 52]
see Greek morphe, merph-, morphé "form" [cw 42, lrp 52]
of Tyrrhenian origin?
"cavity, satchel" [am91]
mucum "to fold, conform, adjust" [az96]
muka, muk "flectere?" [az96]
see mulsle [cb, g/lb83, mp68, v]
mula "veneration, honor, importance?" [az96]
mula "mola (sauce)" [az96]
mulax, malak, mlax "votive offering, dedication" [g/lb83]
"recipient for sacrifice" [az96]
mulenike "(he) dedicated (me)" [lb 299]
muleth "veneration, honor, importance? (locative)"
mulirizile, mulu-rizile "offerings as sustenance or compensation" [az96]
mulu "offering" [az96]
"gift, present" [pa]
muluane "grinder, miller" [az96]
mulune "offering, haviong offered" [am91]
"to venerate?" [az96]
muluvan-, muluvene, muluvani, muluvana, muluvanike,
mulvanice, etc. "to dedicate, offer" [az96, mp68: 399]
"s/he offered" [pa]
mulveni "devotion" [az96]
mulx, malak, mlax "votive offering, dedicates" [g/lb85: 190]
see mlac-, mlax [rmcc]
< *mbol- [az96]
see Rhaetian muluainike [mcv 8 Nov 96]
see Latin mola "salted grain for sacrifice" [az96]
see Latin môles "mass, bulk" [az96]
of Etruscan origin?
munth "adornment, order" [g/lb83, mp68: 369]
"honoring" < "lofty deed" [az96]
munthu "one who polishes" [az96]
munthux, munthx, munthu "female attendant to deities" [g/lb83]
"elegance, Munda (allegory)" [az96]
see Latin mundus "women's cosmetics, world" [cw 43, g/lb83, mp68, pa]
calque of Greek kosmos "order, female adornment, world order, universe" [cw 43, g/lb83, mp68]
see Latin monumentum "tomb" [dep]
munistas "this place" [lb 299]
munsle "orders" [az96]
munis, munise "to commend" [az96]
munista "commended, sworn to" [az96]
munis- "to endow, to take charge of" [dep]
munistas "gift" [mcv]
< *munes- [dep]
see Latin munus, muneris < munes- "service, tax, gift" [mcv, dep]
"to delay, remina, stay" [az96]
murila personal name, family name [g/lb83 76, 85: 122]
murina "hesitant" [az96]
murinasie "hesitant, uncertain" [az96]
murs "slow" [az96]
mur- "to settle, stay, remain" [pa, dep]
see murs, murS-S, murS-l [g/lb83]
see Lemnian morinail [mp68: 99]
see Latin mora "delay, hindrance" [g/lb83]
see Latin morari "to remain" [dep]
see Irish maraim "I stay" [dep]
murS, murts "corpse, cadaver" [az96]
murzua "small urns" [mp68: 405]
"corpses, cadavers (dual)" [az96]
murs "urn, sarcophagus" [pa, dep]
< mur-, mur-ce? "to stay, rest" [g/lb83. mp68]
see Nostratic *murV "to smash" [ag 79]
of Etruscan origin?
mutniathi "sarcophagus (locative)" [g/lb83 76]
see Greek mudáô [am91]
see ancient Egyptian mwt "to die" [pa]
see Aramaic mut "to die", mot "death" [pa]
see Ugaritic mt "to die" [pa]
see Accadic mâtu "he died" [pa]
see Arabic mâta "he died" [pa]
see Nostratic *muda "to finish, to end" [ag 79]
mutin "to move" [az96]
mutzi "motion, movement, activity" [az96]
mutince "to raise, stir up" [az96]
see Latin movere "to move, stir, excite, cause" [az96]
see Latin Mutina [g/lbdjh 14]
mutunai family (female) [mp68: 395]
pre-Celtic Alps & Apennines [b/b 126]
Tyrrhenian origin?
This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.