Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
vacal, vacil, vacl "libation" [g/lb83 56, pa, dep]
vacerra "post, log" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 57]
vaci "to weight, evaluate" [az96]
vacilia "prophecy" [az96]
vale "to be strong, worthy" [az96]
vanth "demoness or fury associated with Xarun" [am91, g/lb83, EM]
vanva "empty, groundless, vane" [az96]
vapeisnisa "wavering" [az96]
var, varna "crooked, different, blemish, spotted skin, fur" [az96]
varati family name [g/lb83 22]
Varro Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp 57]
varxti "penitent, anguishing" [az96]
vas "drinking vessel?" [az96]
vatiexe "pledged" [az96]
vatlu, vatluna, vetalu, vetluna "Vetulo, Vetulonia (town)" [g/lb83, az96]
vaxa "grown, augmented" [az96]
vaxr "mutually" [az96]
vecene "conquering?" [az96]
vecu "alternate manner" [az96]
vecu, vecui, vecunia nymph [g/lb83]
vecuvia "(which) moves, shakes, shiones, changes" [az96]
Vedi Latinized name [az96: 25]
vei, vea domestic god [az96]
veic "Vulci (town)" [djh 14]
veiove, veive god of revenge [EM, gzb]
veis "vicissitudine, result?" [az96]
veitha "careful, fair" < "vacillating" [az96]
vel male name [g/lb83, mc91: 52, mp68: 229, gm97, pa]
velathri "round, turning" [az96]
velathri, velauri "Volterra (town)" [az96, djh 14, g/lb83, pa]
velelia female name [g/lb85 30]
veles, velitis Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48. mp68: 369]
velimna family name, masculine [mc91: 121, gm97]
velna, velnthe "wounder" [az96]
velsina "Bolsena (town)" [djh 14]
veltha, veltune chthonian changing god, later supreme god; patron of Volsini and Etruscan federation [mp68: 243, EM]
velusina "movement?" [az96]
velx "Mars" [az96]
velzna, velsna "from Velzna-" [az96]
venai female name, deity? [mc91: 112]
venete "of the race, lineage" [az96]
vente, venzni, venzi "green, blue" [az96]
venzile "servile, client" [az96]
vercna "keeping busy?" [az96]
verpe, verpru "braid, crown" [az96]
vers-, verse "fire" [g/lb83 59, mcv 8 Nov 96, pa, dep]
verSena, vertun "Vertumnus (god of changing seasons)" [az96]
vertun, vertn "type of drinking vessel" [mp68, pa, dep]
veru "a spit" [az96]
veru "cover" [az96]
vescu "biting" [az96]
vespu "punching, hitting, pungent" [az96]
vestirkina, veStirikina family name (fem.) [g/lb83 110, mc91: 112]
vestrace, vestiricima, vestrcma "stimulus, puncture" [az96]
vesuna "Verona (deity)" [mp68: 159]
vete family name [g/lb83 83]
vethie, vethi, veze, vethsara, vethu, vethur, vethura, vezra, vezthrnei "acute, svelte, exact" [az96]
vhelqu "fortune, chance?" [az96]
vikare "Icarus" [az96]
vilae, vile "(which) braids, weaves, links, binds" [az96]
vilata "prisoner" [az96]
vilia, vilinei "villager" [az96]
vinai, vineia "(which) moves" [az96]
vinum, vinm "wine" [az96, mcv, g/lb83. mp68, pa, dep, gm97, gzb]
vipa "to shake, hurl" [az96]
vipli "weaver" [az96]
vipsul, vipSl "Fiesole (town)" [djh 14, mc91: 146]
virêre, "to be green" Latin verb [cw 73]
visce "linked, bound, braided, linker" [az96]
viSl "residence" [az96]
vlesi, vlesia, vuisinei name [mc91: 46]
Voltinia tribe name of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]
vrane "angle" [az96]
vuisi- "sharp" [az96]
vulca Etruscan sculptor [g/lb83]
vuvcnic "(who) proclaims the vow, desire, invocation?" [az96]
The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
This compilation is copyrighted.
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999
-v-, -ve perfective suffix [az 17 Jun 99; pa]
from Italic? [az 17 Jun 99; pa]
"offering?" [mcv 8 Nov 96, mp68: 409]
"augur" [az96]
vaxr "sacred acts, offerings, libations?" (plural) [mp68]
see Sanskrit ohati "to announce" [dep]
see Avestan aog "to say" [dep]
see Latin voveo "to dedicate" [dep]
see Greek eukhomai "to vow" [dep]
see Indo-European *wegwh, *egwh [dep]
vahruni, vahru > varuni, vari "(which) agitates, moves, changes" [az96]
vainias "to waver" [az96]
vainie "wavering" [az96]
vaisera, veizna, veiza "wavering, lame" [az96]
< *wakw-, *wekw- "to move, oscillate" [az96]
see Latin valere "to be strong, worthy" [az96]
"Parca" [az96]
"one who turns" > "spin" [az96]
see Greek wánax [am91]
see Latin vanus "empty, groundless, vane" [az96]
vari "changing, marked, spotted, stained" [az96]
see Latin varius "changing, marked, spotted, stained" [az96]
see Latin varus "crooked, different" [az96]
see Latin vâs "utensil" [az96]
"dedicated" [lb 299]
"have been dedicated" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
vatimi "pledge" [az96]
see Latin vadimônium "security, pledge" [az96]
< "ford, ferry crossing, ferryman" [az96]
see Latin vadum "shallow ford" [az96]
see Latin Vetulônia [g/lb83]
vaxstls "augmentor (god)" [az96]
see Latin vicere "to conquer" [az96]
< *wekw-/*wakw- [az96]
goddess of lightning [az96]
see Latin Vegoia nymph who taught Tarchun how to interpret lightning [az96: 418]
veiane "villager" [az96]
< *weikia [az96]
see Latin vîcus "village, street" [az96]
Veii, Veia, Veio "Veia (town named after family)" [djh 14, lrp 57]
see Latin Veiî [djh 14, lrp 57]
veitha, veive "wavering, alternate manner" [az96]
corresponds to Latin Quintus [gm97]
corresponding to Latin Caius [gzb, pa]
velus, veluis, veluSa, velusla male name, genitive form [mc91: 60]
velusi male name, dative form [mc91: 59/134]
vel, velni, velie derivative forms [lrp 57]
Velenius, Vellenius, Velianus Latinized form [lrp 57]
mons velius Roman hill [lrp 57]
velianas, veliiunas family name [g/lb83 53]
vela female name [mc91: 52]
velna family name [mp68: 229]
velethia, veletha, velithana, velisina "express, rotation, roundness" [az96]
see Latin volvendus "turning" [az96]
see Latin Volaterrae [az96, djh 14, g/lb83]
"caner, thrasher, fuller, presser" [az96]
velimnei family name, feminine [mc91: 52]
velu "cudgel, cylindrical rod" [az96]
velvae "caner, thrasher, one who has a cudgel" [az96]
velscu, velsi "roll, cudgel, round cane" > "dumb, stupid" [az96]
see Latin name Velina [lrp 57]
see Latin Volumnius [g/lb83 57]
velsna "Volsinii (town)" [g/lb83 27]
maybe modern Orvieto [g/lb83 27]
Orvieto < Latin urbs vetus [g/lb83 27]
velsnathi "to Volsinii" [mc91]
veltha "bravery, power, validity" [az96]
velthane "Velthana" family (Delphi Inscription) [dep]
velthine cilth "chief at the top" [az96]
velthinei "chief" < "dominant" [az96]
velthite "valid, powerful" [az96]
velthre "efficient, valid"
veltune "Valens, Princeps" (deity) [az96]
velthie male name [mc91]
velthina, velthiena family name [mc91: 119, mp68: 265]
velthinasthuraS "member of Velthina family" [mp68: 265]
velthur male name [g/lb83 16, mc91]
"valid, robust" [az96]
velthurna, velthuriae family name [g/lb83 81, mc91]
(plural) "valid, robust" [az96: 25]
veltruta "firm, healed, cured" [az96]
see Latinized Voltumna [mp68: 243, EM]
see Latin valens [az96]
see Latin Vertumnus [mp68: 243, EM]
velx, velcal, velcl "Vulci (town)" [g/lb83]
velclthi "of Vulci" [mc91: 143]
velxa family name [lrp 57, mc91]
velxan "Vulcan" [mp68: 159]
velxana family name [mc91: 72]
velxe male name [lrp 57, mc91]
"warrior" [az96]
velxite "from Vulci" [mc91: 143]
*velxitne, *velcitna, *velitna, velicitna "March" [az96, pa, dep]
< *velx-, *velc- < *wLkw "to lacerate, tear from, wolf, war" [az96]
see Rhaetic Velxanu [rab 42, 95]
see Latin velcitanus, velistanus [az96, g/lb83, mp68]
see Latin Vulcî [g/lb83]
see Latin Volcânus [rab 42, 95]
see pre-Hellenic Cretan Gelxános Welxános, Wélxanos "Zeus" [rab 42, 95]
velznax "of Bolsena" [az96]
see Latin Volsinii [az96]
venalia, venai "Consuetudo (goddess of customs, society)" [az96]
venala family name [g/lb83 83]
venel male name [mc91: 116, pa]
see Latin venetus "green, blue" [az96]
root of vanth [az96]
see Latin exercens "keeping busy" [az96]
derivative versie [mp68]
glossed in Latin as versum [g/lb83 59, mcv 8 Nov 96]
"mixing vessel" [am91]
< *wer- "to guard" [az96]
vesi "bite, sample, taste" [az96]
< *ghwes- [az96]
see Latin vescens "to feed on" [az96]
< *hwes-p- [az96]
see Latin vespa "wasp" [rmcc]
"Bona dea" [az96]
"seeing, informed" [az96]
vetu, vetus male name [mc91: 95]
"(who) sees, knows, recognizes" [az96]
vez- < *vest- < *khwedh-t- [az 29 Mar 99]
see Latin Vettius, Vetius [mp68: 371, G. Colonna cit. PA?]
vetis deity of fate or underworld; pars hostilis/pars postica [mp68: 251]
"acute" [az96]
< *hwerth [az96]
"floating?" [az96]
vile "weave, viscera" [az96]
< *vil-, *il- [az96]
see Latin villa "country house" [az96]
see Latin vinum "wine" [az96, mcv, g/lb83. mp68, pa, dep, gm97, gzb]
vipi, vipie male name [mc91: 45, mp68: 233]
"(which) moves" [az96]
vepia feminine name [az96]
"vibrant" [az96]
vepu masculine name [az96]
vipina, vipine, vipinas, vipiena, vipienna family name [mc91: 45]
"(which) moves" [az96]
see avle vipinas, caile vipinas "Aulus Vibenna, Caelius Vibenna" Etruscan heroes connected to Mastarna (Servius Tullius) [g/lb83, lrp 57]
< *vekw- [az96]
see Roman name Vibenna [g/lb83, lrp 57]
see Latin Vibius [mc91: 45, mp68: 233]
see Latin vibrare "to shake" [az96]
of Etruscan origin?
< vitsl [az96]
< *wrengh [az96]
vuvze "vow, augured" [az96]
vuvzie "invoking" [az96]
see Latin vôtus "promise, vow" [az96]
see Latin voveo "to promise, vow" [az96]
This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.