Etruscan Glossary sa/SA-sl/SL

Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999

Note: s and S represent distinct phonemes
s represents unvoiced dorsal /s/
S may represent unvoiced affricate /sh/ or apical /S/
spelling conventions varied and are not always consistent
therefore use of s and S may represent variant spellings of the same word
or may distinguish unrelated words

-s nominative for males and deities [mp68: 395]

-s , -si, sa; -eis, -S, -Si, -Sa "genitive suffix, adjectival suffix" [mcv, mp68: 351, pa]
oblique genitive and dative suffixes for nouns ending in vowels except feminine -i [mp68: 99]
and majority of nouns ending in consonants [mp68: 99]
< *-si [mcv 9-2-99]
-si personal dative ("pertinentive") [mcv 23 Jan 98]
formed by genitive + locative [mcv 23 Jan 98]
< *si-i [mcv 23 Jan 98]
-sis/-is [mcv 23 Jan 98]
< *-si-si "double genitive" (ablative?) [mcv 23 Jan 98]
see Lemnian -z, -zi, -eiz [mp68: 99]
see Lydian -l [er 21 Jun 99]
see Luwian -assi [mcv 9-2-99]
Indo-European *-os [mcv 9-2-99]

Sa, sa, sa-S, Sa-s "six" [am91, az96, cb, mcv]
"four" [g/lb83, vs/amr 189]
"four or six" [mc91, mp68, pa, dep]
sazil derivative of sa- [mp68]
sam "and four" [mc91]
Sealx, sealxls, sialxls "sixty" []
"forty" [g/lb83]
"forty or sixty" [mc91, pa]
see Lemnian sialxveis, sialxvis "sixty" [, mp68: 99]
see Indo-European *sek's/wek's/uk's "six" [ag 1978]
see Indo-European *Seks, *Sweks < Semitic [mcv 19 May 98]
see Kartvelian *eks^w- "six" [ag 1978]

sac-, Sac-, sac-a, sac-ri "carrying out a sacred act, to consecrate" [g/lb83, mp68, dep, pa]
sacni "priest" [g/lb83 77]
"consecration" [mp68: 263]
Sacni "to cover" [az96]
sacni, sacniu, Sacni-cn, Sacni-tn, Sacni-cla, Sacni-tle, Sacni-cl-eri, Sacni-cS-treS "sacred place, sanctuary, consecrated" [mp68, pa, dep, gzb]
Sacnic "cover" [az96]
Sacnic cilth "sanctuary" [mp68: 263]
Sacnic cith "tegimen apex, pointed hood for fulguriator and haruspex" [az96]
sacnicleri "for the temple" [gm97]
sacnisa, SacniSa, Sacnisa "consecrate, dedicate" [am91, g/lb83, 85: 161, mc91: 135, mp68: 263]
"covered" > "buried" [az96]
sacnitalte, sacnisa, sacniSa "to consecrate" [mp68]
Sacnitle "covers (plural)" [az96]
sacniu, sacniv "(has) covered" [az96]
suc-, Suc-, Suc-i, Suc-ivn, Suc-ri "ritual act" [mp68]
see Latin sacer "sacred, holy" [az96, g/lb83, 85: 161, mc91: 135, mp68: 263, gzb, dep, pa]
see Greek hagios "holy" [dep]
see Oscan sakoro "sacred" [dep]
see Hittite saklai "custom" [dep]
see Indo-European *sak- "to consecrate" [pa]
< *steg-n- [az96]

Saca "point" [az96]
Sacri "to fix, fasten" [az96]
Sacrni "sharp, pointed" [az96]
Sacrtuna "incisor, chisel" [az96]
Sacu, Saxu "acute, wise" [az96]
see Latin sac- [az96]
see Latin sagax "shrewd, acute", sagio, staca [az96]
< *stakh- "point, sharpness" [az96]

Saena, sena "Siena (town)"
see Latin Saena [g/lb83, djh 14]

sal- "make, carry out" [g/lb83]

sal "Sol?" [mcv 8 Nov 96]

Sal "king, pontifex" [az96]
Sal mama "pontifex maximus" [az96]

*sala "side of earth, channel" [rah 53-54]
of Tyrrhenian origin?

Sale, Salie, Salvi "star, spendor" [az96]
saliethi "light, illumination" [az96]
Saltuc "shining" [az96]
Salthn "to shine, illuminate" [az96]
sameru "brilliant (clear, solar?)" [az96]

Salk "base" [az96]
Salxei "firm, well founded" [az96]
< *stalk(h)- "base, structure" [az96: 17]

san-, San-, sian-, sian-S, sanS-aS, san-Sl, sian-Sl, san-ulis, san-e "dead, deceased, ancestor" [pa, dep]
santi, Santi, Santi-S-tS "funerary priest" [mp68]
sacerdotal title [pa, dep]
funerary title? [pa]
saniSa, saniSva "dead?" [mc91]
sanisva "blessed?" plural [am91]
< ? san- [dep]
see Breton hen "old" [dep]
see Latin senex "old man" [dep]
see Sanskrit sanas "old" [dep]
see Avestan hano "old" [dep]
see Amenian hyn "old" [dep]
see Lithuanian senas "old" [dep]
see Greek henos "old" [dep]

san "union?" [az96]
saniSa, saniSva "dead?" [mc91]
"joined" [az96]
sanS "linker, joiner, binder" [az96]
< *san/*sen "to join" [az96]

saniu "servo" [az96]

sanSl "votive offering" [g/lb85: 170]

santerna Latin from Etruscan [mp68: 369]

Santi "certainty, stability" [az96]
Santic "(which) sustains, gives a base" [az96]
< *stan-t- "foundation, base" [az96: 17]

sanxuna, sanxuneta (demonstrative) personal name [mc91: 73]
"Sancitore" [az96]

sapu name "stump, trunk" [az96]
< *stap [az96]
see Latinized Sabo [az96: 25]

Sar "ten" [g/lb83, mc91, pa, dep]
genitive Saris [az96, ag 1978, cb, gg 24 Feb 99, er 1 Mar 99]
sarvena "and ten" [mc91]
SarSnau "group of ten, decuria" [g/lb83 80]
*Sarsnax "tenth" [g/lb83 80]
< *Sari "ten" [az96, ag 1978, cb, gg, er]
see Akkadian eSeret, eSret, eSru [az96, ag 1978, cb, gg, er]
see Arabic as"r "ten" [az96, ag 1978, cb, gg 24 Feb 99, er 1 Mar 99]
see Proto-Semitic *3as'r- "ten" [az96, ag 1978, cb, gg, er]
non-Semitic e.g. Akkadian Sa:ru, Sar "3600" [mcv]

Sar "assure, reinforce" [az96]
< *star/*ster [az96]

Sarle "sterilze, neutralize" [az96]

Sarvena "cadaver, remains" [az96]
see zarve [az96]

sat-, Sat, Sath, Sut, Suth (ablaut) "to sit, set, put, establish, to be found, make" [g/lb83, mp68, pa, dep, gzb]
see sut-, suth-, Sut-, Suth- etc. [g/lb83, mp68]
see English set [dep]
see Latin sedere "to sit" [dep]
see Sanskrit sadayati "he puts" [dep]
see Old Irish atsuidi "to retain) [dep]
see Gothic satjan "to put" [dep]
see Indo-European and Semitic *sed- [Schott 1936 cit. ag 79, mcv]
see Nostratic *SAtV "to sit" [ag 79, mcv 9 Feb 99]

Satr "affliction" [az96]
< sât- [az96]
< *stah-at- "to hit, wound" [az96]
< *stakhat- 'to prick, afflict' [az 29 Mar 99]

satelles "bodyguard" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, nv 73]
Satna "companion, follower" [az96]

Satena "aedile" [az96]
Satene "aedileship" [az96]

saties family name [g/lb83 22]

satir "speak, talk"
see Latin satura "sermon" [lrp 48, 57]

satiria [az96]
< *stat- [az96: 17]
satlnei female name [g/lb85: 145]

Satre, satres "Saturn" [mp68: 159]; "
deity of fate or underworld, pars hostilis/pars postica [g/lb83, mp68: 251]
"(one who) hits, Acute, Sâturnus" [az96]
saturnia town [mp68: 192]
sauturine > suthrine, sutrine "wounder?, archer?, cobbler?" [az96]
Sauxnate "wounder" [az96, 29 Mar 99]
< Saukh- < *stakhuk- 'wound' [az96, 29 Mar 99]
savcne "wounding" > "examiner, haruspex?" [az96]
< *stahu-k- [az96]
see Latin *saucitor "wounder", sagittarius "archer", sûtor "cobbler" [az96]
see Latin saurocter "weapon of bronze or iron" [mp68]
see Latin saucio "wounded", sauciens "wounding" [az96]

Save "sustain, signum, punctum?" [az96]
Savlasie "sustain" [az96]
< *tzaul- < *staul- [az96]

sc-, scu- Scu-, esx-, escu-, sce, Scu-n, Scu-na, Scu-ne, scu-na, scu-nu, scu-n-si, scu-v-se, scv-etu, esx-ath, esx-ath-ce, escu-na "to give, put, make an offering"
derivative sxuinia [mp68]

scanin "to rise, climb" [az96]
see Latin scandere "to rise, climb" [az96]

scara "in inwards" [az96]

scarpe male name [mc91: 100]
see Latin Scarpus [g/lb83 58]
"pointed, harsh, one who incide" [az96]

sceva, skaiva "left-handed, treacherous" [az96]
see Latin scaeva "left-handed, awkward" [az96]

scire, sciria "step?" [az96]

scuna, scunu "observer, inspector" [az96]
scunsi cates "expert observer" [az96]
scuvse "guard with care" [az96]
scuvunu "inspecting" [az96]
scvetu "attentive, well inspected" [az96]
< *scuvetu [az96]

Scune, Scuni "yield, yielding, cession" [g/lb83 83, mp68: 405]

scuxie "oblique, sinister, unlucky" [az96]

Sea- "access, passage" [az96]
< stêgha- [az96]

Sec, sex, Sex "daughter," [am91, az96, EB XXII:801, jf 139, jpm, g/lb83, mc91, mp68: 400, pa, dep, gm97]
Sex-is, Sex-iS "daughter," genitive [az96, EB XXII:801, jf 139, jpm, g/lb83, mc91, mp68: 400, pa, dep, gm97]
see Tocharian B soy "son" [dep]
see Greek huius "son" [dep]
see Irish sutthe "birth" [dep]
< *sukt, sukte "the born one" [dep]

Secan "to sign, mark" [az96]
secu, secune (masc.), secunia (fem.) "sign, (which) signs, marks?" [az96]
Sekanei "to mark, sign" [az96]
< *sikh see zec [az96]
see Latin signare "to mark, sign" [az96]

sece "to follow?" [az96]
see Latin sequens, secundus "following" [az96]

seci "to cut, smash" [az96]

segusius Latin [bm 24-25]
of Rhaetian origin?

seiate, seate, seiante, seante, sente, sentinate family name [mc91: 123]
"colonist" [az96]
sentiunum "colony" [az96: 28]

seka "to fall, founder" [az96]

sel-"to do, to make" [dep]

Sela "order, disposition" [az96]
Selace "he dedicated" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
Seleita "instituted, ordered" [az96]
seleitala "of the goddess?" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
Seleta "(cosmic) order [az96]
< *stel [az96]

selcia "vortex" [az96]

selva, selvan, selvans, selvanz "Silvanus" [g/lb83. mc91: 53/74, mp68: 251, EM]

Sem "to arrest" [az96]
< *stembh- [az96]

Semla "(goddess) Simula, Stimula, Semelé" [az96]
< *stegh-em- [az96]

Semna "trace, track (way, passage) [az96]
Semthne, Semtni "semitarius, path" [az96]

semni female name [g/lb83 84]

*semph, semph-S "seven" [am91, g/lb83, jf 141, mp68, pa, dep]
semphalx, semphalx-ls "seventy" [g/lb83, jf 141, mp68, pa]
semphz "seven times" [mc91]
see Indo-European *septm [ag 1978, mcv, az96, gg 24 Feb 99, g/lb83, mc91, mp68]
re-formed by analogy with cezp (8) and nurph (9) [ag 1978, mcv]
prob. < Semitic [b/k 32, cb, er, mcv]
see Hurrian Sitta, Sinda "seven" [ag 1978, mcv]
< *Swid- from Semitic [Klimov cit. ag 1978, mcv]

Semu "signer" [az96]

Semuthin "to cleft" [az96]

sene "servant, slave" [az96]
< *sen-/*san- "to bind, unite" [az96]

sentie "Sentinus (god)?" [az96]
"sense" [az96]

Sepana, Sepiasa, Sepie, Seple, Septe, Septle, Sepune, Sep(u)lna, Sepre, Sepu "stump, trunk, support, pole" > "fool"[az96]
< *Sep- < *step- [az96]
see Latin stîpes "log, post" [az96, 29 Mar 99]

Sepu family name [g/lb85: 166]
cognomen [mc91: 125]

Ser "to fix, grasp" [az96]
< *ster [az96]

Serice "stiff, stop" [az96]
Seril "to ruin, make sterile"
Serin "to stiffen" [az96]
Seru "to stiffen, stand, stop" [az96]
< *ster- "rigid" [az96]

Serphua "stump, foundation" [az96]

Sert-, Sertur "star, bright" [az96]
< *stered- [az96, 29 Mar 99]

serui, serue > servus "servant," [lrp 57]
servus "servant, slave" Latin of Etruscan origin [rah 59, rc 214]

ses "seat" [az96]
see Latin sedes "seat, residence, foundation" [az96]

ses "to present, put" [az96]
sescatna "(who) places, plants, holds, down" [az96]

sese "to be absent, lack" [az96]

Setha- "position" [az96]
Sethal "to set up" [az96]

Sethlans "Hephaestus, Vulcan" [cb, g/lb83, mc91: 53, EM]
sethra, Sethra female name [mc91: 52, mp68: 395, pa]
sethre, sethrni, Sethre, Sethrni male name [g/lb83, mc91: 52, mp68: 395, pa]
"(which) hits, afflicts" [az96]
sethum- demon [mp68: 409]
Sethum-ati "well founded" [az96]
Sethums "Messenger (god)" [az96]
see Latin Stator [az96]

Setirune "support, reinforcement" [az96]
< *ste-t-/*sta-t- [az96]

Setu "(which) afflicts?" [az96]

Seu "track, tracker, trace, tracer" [az96]
< *Sekh-, *Sikh < *steigh [az96]

shkrak "spittle," Romansh [jr 69]
of Rhaetian origin?

Si "trace, track, point, sign" [az96]

sianasa "(which) guards, sees" [az96]
sians "seer, observer" [az96]
sianS "father" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
Siiane "investigator, wounder?" [az96]
< *stigh-i-ane [az96]
Sikh- 'to sign; to investigate' [az 29 Mar 99]

silgatana family name [g/lb 85: 46]

Silu "stilus" [az96]

sime satyr
see Greek Sîmos "snub-nosed" [g/lb83]

Sime "Stimulus?" [az96]

Simxla "trace, track, stimulation" [az96]

sin "to permit" [az96]
see Latin sinere "to permit, leave alone" [az96]

sina "depose, grant" [az96]

sinu "colonist" [az96]
Sinu family name
see Latin Sentius [g/lb83 57]
cognomen [mc91: 123]

Sipir "stipulate" [az96]
< *stip- "rigid" [az96]
see Latin stipulari "stipulate" [az96]

Siprisni "one who tramples, rivets" [az96]

siricima unknown [mp68: 391]

Sirona, Dirona "Diana, Shining" [az96]
< *stirona [az96: 15]

sisphe "Sisyphus" [g/lb85: 161]

sith "deposed, conceded (preterite)" [az96]

Sith, Sithum "torpor, deposition, rotting" [az96]
see Latin situs "situated" [az96]

Sitmica "fixer, affixer" [az96]
root of Sethum- [az96]

Sixaciiule "signs, (things) investigated" [az96]
Sixaie "investigation" [az96]
< *stîg- "trace" [az96]

slaithe "(which) beats, hits" [az96]

slapina "fallen, disgraced" [az96]
slapixu "passing away, fallen" [az96]

slela "cistern, basin" [az96]

sleparis "one who slips, slides, stumbles" [az96]

sli "to taste, pour a libation" [az96]
< *sleigh [az96]
see Latin libare "to taste, pour a libation" [az96]

slicaxe "dead" [az96]
"funereal" [am91]

This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.

The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.

This compilation is copyrighted.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.
