Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
-tnam "and, also (suffix)" [mp68: 400, pa, dep]
tnuc "detain, make an obstacle" [az96]
tolonio Etruscan family name [g/lb83 20]
-tra "toward" [az96]
trav, trau "ratify with an act of faith" [az96]
-tre "beyond" [az96]
treplat-, trepu "architect, builder of houses and wooden structures, carpenter" [az96: 25]
-tres "against" < "across" [az96]
trin, trin-th, trin-th-aSa "to invoke, plead, pray, supplicate" [g/lb83, mp68, pa, dep, gzb]
tritun "Triton" < "Mugghiante" [az96]
triumphus "triumph" Latin via Etruscan [rah 59, EB XXII:647]
Trossuli Roman equitês century, of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]
truia "circle, circus" > "world, orbs, the beyond" [az96]
truia "Troy" [g/lb83]
*truna, *thruna "power, command, sovereignty, rule, government" [mp68, pa, dep]
trut, truth, trut-ana-Sa "sacred act" [mp68, pa, dep]
trutvecia "push out, drive out" [az96]
tuder "Todi (town)" [g/lb83 26]
tul "to divide, assign" [az96]
tul, tular, tularu "limit(s), border, lot, boundaries" [am91, ag 79, az96, mc91: 146/150, mcv, mp68, v, g/lb83, pa]
tularia family name [mc91: 148]
tuler, tulera month name [az96]
tumu cognomen [g/lb85: 104]
tunt "to hit, run into" [az96]
tuntle "Tundáreus" [az96]
tunur "one at a time" [g/lb83]
tunur "ramparts?" [az96]
tupi "fatigue" [am91]
tur "the robust one" > "bull, ox" [az96]
tur-, tur-a, tur-e, tur-i, tur-u, tur-une, "to give, dedicate" [am91, cb, v, g/lb83, mc91, pa, dep]
tur, tura "incense" [g/lb83 90]
turan "Aphrodite, Venus" [cb, djh 95, g/lb83, mc91: 53, EM]
turane "July" [pa, dep]
turi "to turn, spin" [az96]
turms, turmS "Hermes, Mercury" [az 96, cb, djh 95, g/lb83, mc91: 53, EM]
tursikina (cognomen) "Etruscan" [g/lb85: 104]
turve "upheaval, disturbance" [az96]
turza, turza-i, turza-is "offering" [g/lb83, mp68]
turza "viscera" < "plait, weave" [az96]
tus, tuS, tuS-thi, tuS-ur-thi (plural) "funerary niche, repository" [g/lb83, lb 90, mp 75, pa, dep]
tuscana, tuscna "Tuscania (town)" [g/lb83]
tusiu, tusnu "swollen, jammed, rich, smug, excited" [az96]
tusna Turan's swan [g/lb83]
tusnitina, tusnutie "Crassianus?" [az96]
tuSnutn, tuSnutnie "glory" [g/lb83 110]
tute male name, family name [mc91: 78/139]
tuthace "(has) obliged" [az96]
tuthi, tuti- "community, state" [mp68, pa, dep]
tutna family name [g/lb85: 104]
tutulus article of feminine attire [js]
tuxlac "continued, protracted" [az96]
tuxulxa demon with vulture's beak, donkey's ears and writhing snakes [g/lb83]
tva "shows" [g/lb83 77]
tvami "Darkness (god)" [az96]
tvnth, tvnthle, tuntle "one who lights?" [az96]
The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
This compilation is copyrighted.
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999
see also TH
tmase "building" [az96]
tmia, timia "temple, sacred place" [az96, lb 299, mcv 8 Nov 96, g/lb83, mp68: 407, pa, dep]
"offer, offering" [am91]
"enclosure" [mc91: 73]
tmial "of the temple" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
see tam [dep]
see Greek tmé:dên, tmé:tikós [am91]
see Latin templum "temple" [mp68]
"tendency (suffix)" [az96]
see etnam [g/lb83, pa, dep]
emphatic conjunction [mp68: 400]
see Umbrian inumek [mp68: 400]
see Latin item, etiam "also" [mp68: 400]
see Latin Tolumnius [g/lb83 20]
see Latin trans "across, beyond" [rmcc]
travzi "worthy of faith, to accreditation" [az96]
see Italian oltre "beyond" [az96]
trepuni cognomen "architect, builder" [az96: 25]
< *treb, *trep [az96: 25]
see Latinized Treboni, Trepu, Treponias, Treponias [az96: 25]
"to shout" [az96]
trinethi "shouted" [az96]
trinthasa "shouting (past)" [az96]
see Greek thríambos [pa]
truials "Trojan" [g/lb83]
see turan "lady" [mp68]
Greek gloss droúna (Hesykhios) [mp68]
see Greek túrannos "tyrant" [mp68]
"libation" [g/lb83]
"to investigate" [az96]
trutnvt frontac, trutvecie "fulguriator" [mp68]
trutnvt frontac "fulgurantes (lightning readers)" [djh 88]
trutnuth, trutnut, trutnvt "priest, oracle, fulguriator" [g/lb83, mp68, pa, dep]
see Latin trûdere, trûsere "push out, drive out" [az96]
act associated with religion [mp68: 409]
< *dvel [az96]
"established" [lb 299]
tul "to divide, share, assign" [az96]
act associated with religion [mp68: 409]
"stone, border" [dep]
"stone" [ag 79, g/lb83]
tulalu "divider" [az96]
tulerase "enclosure?" [az91?]
tupi "stone" [pa]
see Umbrian Tuter "Todi (town)" [mc91: 148]
see Greek thoúle, Latin Thule northernmost land in ancient times [pa]
see Nostratic *tulGa "peak" [Dolgopol'skij 1972 cit. ag 79]
"beater" [az96]
"one who lights" [az96]
see Greek túpos, tupê [am91]
see Old Indian tupati [am91]
< *taur- [az96]
tura "robust, solid (fem.)" > "cow, heifer" [az96]
tura, ture "to reinforce, swell, make firm" [az96]
ture "cows" [az96]
< *turai [az96]
see Latin taurus "bull" [az96]
turan "given" [am91]
turu "donator, giver" [az96]
"dedicated" [mc91]
tur-u-ce, tur-un-ke, tur-i-ce, tur-ce, tiurke "s/he gave (it), given, s/he dedicated" [am91, az96, cb, v, g/lb83, mc91, lb 299, mcv, pa]
tur-une "cession, yielding' [mp68: 405]
"gave" [az96]
turuce "s/he dedicated" [pa]
turza "offer" [pa, dep]
see Latin dare, donum "to give, gift" [lb 90, mp68/75, pa, dep]
see Greek dôron "gift" [pa, dep]
see Russian dat' "to give" [dep]
see Sanskrit danam "gift" [dep]
see Armenian tur "gift" [dep]
see Old Slavic daru "gift" [dep]
see Latin tûr, tûris "incense" [g/lb83 90]
see Greek thúos [g/lb83 90]
patroness of Vulci [EM]
"lady, mistress" [lb 90, mp 75]
"(godess of) love, worship" [az96]
turanuve, turannuve "lovable, venerable" [az96]
see tur "to give" [Morandi cit. am91]
see Greek túrannos "tyrant" [mc91: 83]
*traneus "July" Latinized form [pa]
turia "Turô" [az96]
"(goddess of) turning" [az96]
guides the dead to the underworld [EM]
"Agitation, Trepidation, Turbulence"
turmuca "trepidating" [az96]
turpsi "turbulent" [az96]
see Latin turba "mob, confusion" [az96]
"joined" [az96]
tusti, tusthi, tusurthi "joined, yoked" [az96]
tuSuvas, tuSthuveS, tusurthir "in the double urn, i.e. married couple" [g/lb83, lb 90, mp 75]
see Latin Tuscâna [g/lb83]
see Latin Etrûria < *Etrûs-ia; [g/lb85: 59]
see Latin tuscus < *turs-cos (Latin); [g/lb85: 59]
see Umbrian tuscom < turkum [g/lb85: 59]
see Greek Tyrs-ênoi; [g/lb85: 59]
see Greek tûrsis, [g/lb85: 59]
Latin turris "tower" [g/lb85: 59]
< *tew-s [az96]
"fullness, lushness" [az96]
"Picciatore, Tudeús" [az96]
tuthina "legate, bound, obliged" [az96]
tuthines tlenaxeis"vow, undertaking" [az96]
tuthiu "(one who) undertakes, devotee" [az96]
tutin "to vow, promise, be obligated" [az96]
tutu, tut "endeavor, promise" [az96]
tutin, tutim, tuthun, tuthiu, tuthin, tuthina-, tuthineS, tudhina-"of the state, public" [mp68, g/lb83, pa, dep]
see Umbrian tota [g/lb83 91, mp68]
see Oscan tota [dep]
see Indo-European *teutâ "people, nation, land" [pa]
personal name [mc91: 102]
"striker, beater" [az96]
demoness of the underworld [EM]
This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.