Etruscan Glossary Z

Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999

*za "to shimmer" [ag 79]
"to shine" [az96]
< *stelkw- [az96: 17]
see Nostratic *c'.aEjh.a "to shimmer" [ag 79]

-za diminutive suffix [ag 79, pa]
see Nostratic *-Ca adjective and diminutive marker [ag 79]

zal, zel, za-, zl, esal, esal-s, esl, eSl "two" [am91, cb, g/lb83, mc91, pa, dep, gzb]
see zelv-th, zelur, zelarvenas [mp68]
zathrum, zathrm-, zathrm-s, zathrm-is, zathrm-iS, zathrumith "twenty" [az96, g/lb83, mc91, pa, dep, gzb]
zathrum < Semitic or compound involving zal "two"? [er 1 Mar 99]
zathrumsne "twentieth" [az96]
zelur "two at a time" [g/lb83 80]
< *dwal "two" [az96]
see German Zahl "number" [pa]
see Indo-European *del, *dele "to split" [pa]
see Nostratic *C'oLGa "to be a pair, to mate" [Dolgopol'skij 1972 cit. ag 78, 79]

zalle cognomen corresponding to Latin Iunior [G. Colonna cit. pa]

zalthu family name [g/lb83 77]

zamathi "clap, buckle" > "fibula" [az96]
< zam- "to stop, arrest" [az96]
< *stMbh- "to arrest, stop, cleave" [az96, 29 Mar 99]

zamathi "gold" [g/lb83 81]
zamthic "golden" [g/lb83 81]
< *zamath- < *za:m a th-, *za:m a t- [K. Ostir cit. ag 79]

zamthic "(something) fixed, sure" [az96]

zana, zani, zanl "statue" [az96]
"base" [az96]
zanuli "foundedness" [az96]
zanulis "to make firm, stabilize" [az96]
zan- < *stan- "stand, statue" etc. [az96]

zanl family name [g/lb85: 159]

zanua "destination, engagement" [az96]

zar "to make rigid, hard" [az96]
zarfna "cadaver, corpse, rigid body" [az96]
zarve "rigid" > "sterile" [ag 79]
zar-, Sar, Ser- "rigid, stiff, solid" [az96]
zarf- < *sterbh- [az 29 Mar 99]
see Latin sterilis "barren" [az 29 Mar 99]

zati, zathi "base" [az96]
zatlxne "stabilizing" [az96]
< zat- < *stat- [az96]
see Latin statuo "to establish" [az 29 Mar 99]
see Latin satelles "escort, attendant" [az 29 Mar 99]

zath natural deity [mp68: 251]

zatlath "companion" [dep, pa]

zax "to be sharp, investigate" [az96]
see Saxu [az96]

zavena "cup, drinking vessel" [az96, pa, dep]

zea "wounding, slaying" [az96]

zec, Sec "mark, sign" [az96]
< *steg- "mark, sign" [az96]
see Latin signo "to mark, seal, indicate" [az 29 Mar 99]

zelarvena "(funerary) prepation, placement, covering" [az96]
< *zel-, *Sel- < *stel [az96]
see Secan [az96]

zeri, zeri-S "legal, sacred act, rite, object" [g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75, pa, dep]
< *zer- "holy" [rab 332]'
< *zeheri < *steh-e-ri, *steigh-, *steig- "incision, cleft in divinatory liver" > "writing" [az96, 29 Mar 99]
see Lemnian zeronai, zeronaith [mp68: 99]

zertnai family name [mc91: 74]

zezeve preterite verb form [az Jul 99]

zia "to wound, stab, kill" [az96]
< *stîgh-a- [az96]
see Lemnian ziazi [mp68: 99]
see Latin sîca, [az 29 Mar 99]

zia "fixio" > "pactio?" [az96]
< *stîgh-ia [az96]

zic, zix, zix-u, zic-al, zix-ina, zix-ne, zix-uxe, zix-un-ce "write, to write" [am91, cb, EB XXII:801, v, g/lb83, mp68]
"to write, to paint" [pa, dep]
"to engrave, write" [az96]
zicu "writing." [EB XXII:801]
zicu "engraver" < *stîx [az96]
zix "book" [mp68, vs/amr 189]
zixina "(something) written" [az96]
zixne "sign" [az96]
zixu "sculptor, writer, engraver" [mc91: 67, pa]
zixu-, zicu- "engrave, write" [az 29 Mar 99]
zixunce, zixuxe "was written, engraved" [mc91, mp68: 405]
"engrave" [az96: 17]
< *stikh-un-ke [az96: 17]
< *steigh-, < *steig- "engrave, write" [az 29 Mar 99]

ziiace "guided" [az96]
zil-, Sel- "order, govern, rule" [az 29 Mar 99, g/lb83]
"to exercize the zil magistracy" [pa, dep]
zil, zili, zilac, zilax, zilat, zilc, zilci, zilx, zilath "magistrate, official, praetor" [am91, cb, EB XXII: 801, mcv 8 Nov 96, v, vs/amr 189, g/lb83, mc91, mp68, pa, dep]
zilacal "of the zilac (praetor)" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
zilacei, zilac "Ruler, Queen" [az96]
zilath "(one who) governs, praetor" [az96]
zilath-amce "co-governor, associate praetor" [az96]
zilath mexl rasnal "praetor of the Etruscan territory (title)" [mp68: 211]
zilath rasnas title used in Tarquinia [mp68: 211]
zilax "to be zilc, zilath" [mp68: 226]
zilaxnthas "holding the position of zilath (praetor) (verbal noun)" [mc91: 136]
zilax-nu, zilx-nu, zilax-nu-ce, zilax-n-ce, zilx-n-ce "being zilax (praetor) (verbal noun)" [mc91: 69/136];
"order, govern, rule" [az 29 Mar 99, g/lb83]
zilax-n-th-ce, zilax-n-thaS "to rule, govern as praetor" [az96, mp68]
zilax-nucix "petty kings, regulus" [az96]
zilax-nve "(he) ruled, was zilath" [az 17 Jun 99, mc91]
"to rule" [mp68: 211]
zilc, zilx "charge, position" [az96]
zilc marunuxva "praetor of the marunu (religious office)" [mp68: 226]
zilc parxis a supreme magistrate [mp68: 400]
zilc-thi, zilcti, zilcte "magistrate in charge" [mp68]; "one who mette in assesso, praefectus" [az96]
zileteraia "rules of servitude" [az96]
zili "order" [az96]
zilu "duty, ordinances?" [az96]
zilx cexaneri title [g/lb83]
see cexa "ceremony, right, law" [g/lb83]
"caretaker of the sacred" [mp68: 265]
< *stel- "order, govern, rule" [az 29 Mar 99, g/lb83]
< *Sikh- < *stêg- [az96]

zimaite, zimite "(which) sustains" [az96]
< *stMbh [az96]

zimuthe "(one who) lowers, strikes, trusat" [az96]

zin- "make on the lathe" [am91]
zina, zinasa, zinace "to make, (has) made" [mc91]
"shapes, adorns, devises" [az96, mc91]
zinace "made on the lathe" [am91]
zinaie "potter" [am91]
zinaku "made" [mc91]
zinia "form, project, intent, design" [az96]
zinthrepus "creative impulse" [az96]
see Rhaetian thinake [mcv 4 Mar 98]
see Latin tina "wine jug" (pottery) [rmcc]
see Lydian ceñ- [er 21 Jun 99]

zipanu, zipna, zipa, sipna female associated with Turan [g/lb83]
"brilliant, flash" [az96]

zipaxnl "trampled, buried" [az96]
zip- < *stip- [az96]
see Latin stîpo "to compress, surround, accompany" [az 29 Mar 99]

zirule "brilliant" (plural) [az96]
see Sertur [az96]

ziumithe, ziumite "Diomé:dês" [g/lb83, mc91: 49]
"one who thinks of killing" [az96]

ziva, ziva-s, ziva-S "(the) dead" [g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75, pa, rab 332]
"having lived" [dep]
"to assist, cure, direct" [az96, 29 Mar 99]
zivas "alive" [am91, gm97]
< *stew [az96, 29 Mar 99]
see Lemnian zivai [mp68: 99]
see Latin stîva "plow handle" [az96, 29 Mar 99]
see Latin vivo "I live" [dep]
see Greek ebion "I have lived" [dep]
see Breton beva "to live" [dep]
see Old Slavic zhivo "I live" [dep]
see Sanskrit jivati "s/he lives" [dep]
see Avestan jvaiti "s/he lives" [dep]

ziz-ri "putting, placing, standing still" [az 29 Mar 99, 96: 17]
< *stist-ri [az 29 Mar 99, 96: 17]
see Latin sistere "to place, stand still" [az 29 Mar 99, 96: 17]

zuci "part" [az96]
zuxne "smashing, dividing, sharing" [az96]
zuxuna "piece, part" [az96]
< *zuk-, *Suk- < *stuk- "stock, piece, part" [az96]
< *stuk "piece" [az96: 17]
see Latin socius "ally, companion" [az96, 29 Mar 99]

zuci am "corruption, ruin" [az96]

zuci enesci "buon diritto (formula)" [g/lb85: 168]

zucre "branch, cane" [az96]
zuxu "cane" < "scepter" [az96]

Zupre, Supri > Subura (valley) [lrp 48]

zusa "to strive, aspire to" [az96]
zusle "seek, aim" [az96]
< *zus- *stus- < *stund-s-, *stud-s- "to hit" [az96: 17]
see Latin studeo "to strive, aspire to" [az 29 Mar 99]

zusle, zuSle, zusle-i, zusleva, zuSleva, zusleva-i, zusleve, zuSleve, zuSleve-S "offering, sacrificial victim (animal)" [gzb, mp68, pa]
originally "blow by enemy" [az 9]
zusuzai, zusatu "Strike, Find, Gather" [az96]
see Greek Túkhe [az96]

zuta "residence, place to stay" [az96]
< *studh- [az96]

zutaS "insediamento" [g/lb85: 171]

zutheva "doubts, uncertainties (dual form)" [az96]

zuth, zut, Suth- [az96]
< *studh- [az 29 Mar 99]
see Old Norse, Old English stódh [az 29 Mar 99]

This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.

The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.

This compilation is copyrighted.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.
