Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
ec, ek, ex "to call, summon" [az96]
eca "this (nominative)" [am91, cb, g/lb83, mc91, mp68]
ecs "indigent, lacking" [az96]
ectur, extur "Hektôr" [g/lb83]
ei, ein, eith, eth, ethl pronominal particle [mp68]
ei "no, not, don't" [am91, mc91: 118]
ei "here, now" [az96]
ei "property" [az96]
eicrece "sick" [az96]
eine "Aeneas" [g/lb85: 92]
eisnev, eisneve "exercized the priesthood" [az96]
eitiia "valuation" [az96]
eleivana "of oil" [g/lb83]
see Latin oliua "olive" (Greek, Latin) [rc 95]
elementum Latin, of Etruscan origin [lrp 51]
elfa "half, middle" [az96]
elina, elinai, helene "Hé:le:ne:" [g/lb83, mc91: 49]
els "stele" [ag79]
elusisnia "agitation, movement" [az96]
-em "minus, from (used with numbers)" [am91, g/lb83, mp68]
emel "(take by the) handle" [az96]
en "to worry about, cure?" [az96]
ena "to carry out?" [az96]
enac, enax "then, afterwards" [g/lb83]
enesc- "private" [az96]
eniaca "just-like" [az96, mcv 8 Nov 96]
enizpeta "Enispa (name; demonstrative form)" [mc91: 74]
-enna suffix used with family names [lrp 57]
enva "nine" [az96]
ep, epa. ipe, epu "to suppose, evaluate, meditate" [az96]
ep "to do" [az96]
epana "to waver" [az96]
epetave, epetav preterite verb form [az 19 Jul 99]
epl, pi, pul "in, to, up to" [g/lb83]
epri "help, potentially" [az96]
eprial "superior" [az96]
er, erce "to honor", "honor, respect" [az96]
-eri, -ri gerundive suffix, postposition "for, for the sake of" [az96, mp68: 400]
eris name "Honor, Respect" [az96]
ermania "heat, hot" [az96]
erus "sun" < "burning" [az96]
-erna suffix used with family names [lrp 57]
ersce "went" [am91]
-es < -a-si-si ablative suffix for -a stem words [mcv 9 Apr 99]
eS < ez "respects, is wary" [az96]
esi "prosperity, well (being)" [az96]
esl-em ce-alx "twenty eight (two from thirty)" [g/lb83 79, mc91]
eSta, eStac, eStla pronominal participle? [mp68]
eStla "and this" [g/lb83 76]
estrei "sign, point" < "notch" [az96]
esvi-, esv-tn, esvi-S "ceremony, sacrifice" [mp68]
esxath, esxathce "to investigate, interrogate, to seek" [az96]
eta "this (nominative)?" [am91, mc91]
etanal "on the ides ?" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
etera, eteri, etri, etera-S, eter-S, eterais, eteraias "foreigner, slave,clientes" (middle class)" [djh 72, g/lb83, mp68: 232]
etera "weaving, flesh" > "viscera" > "son" [sic] [az96]
eth natural deity [mp68: 251]
eth < eith "being wary" [az96]
ethausva, ethauSva female deity appearing at the birth of Minerva [g/lb83]
ethl plural direct object pronoun for *e- based words? [az96]
etiasas "having given something to eat?" [az96]
etnam, -tnam "and, also" [am91, g/lb83, mp68]
etr-, ethr-, ethr-i, ethr-se, etra-sa "verb dealing with sacred actions" [mp68]
euntke "propitious" [az96]
eurphia nymph/muse dancing in front of Phaun [g/lb83]
eurtha "valor, dignity, parole?" [az96]
euterpa, euterpe "Euterpê (acts as a Charity)" [g/lb83]
evan male/female deity associated with Turan and Adonis [g/lb83]
evantra "Evándra" [mc91: 46]
evi "duration, eternity" [az96]
evrthia "Virbia, of the weaving" [az96]
evtucle, evzicle "Eteoklês" [g/lb85: 161]
ezpu family name [mc91: 137]
The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
This compilation is copyrighted.
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999
-e locative intrumentive suffix [mp68: 396]
easun, eiasun "Jason" [g/lb83]
< *vekw [az96]
eclthi "demonstrative (locative)" [mc91: 73]
ecn "this (accusative)" [mc91]
ecs "this (genitive)" [mc91]
see ca [cb, g/lb83, mc91, mp68]
eca (genitive) [az96]
ecnia "indigence" [az96]
ecia verb [az96]
see Latin egêre "to carry out, carry off" [az96]
"Cutting" [az96]
see ta [mp68]
< eiki [az96]
see Greek Aineías [g/lb85: 92]
eitva, aiza, etva, heitva, eit, eith, eithi, ez, es "to venerate, respect, esteem, to watch out" [az96]
eitna, eizan-, eizene, ezna, ezunei "timorous, respectful" [az96]
eitviscri "pudenda ('shameful parts')" [az96]
< *aidh, *eith [az96]
see Latin aestimatio "valuation" [az96]
see Greek aidoîa [az96]
aska eleivana" "container of oil" [g/lb83]
see Greek elaiwa > élaion "oil"[rc 95, g/lb83]
of Tyrrhenian origin? [g/lb83]
see Gk elephanta "ivory letter" [lrp 51]
Fervid, Passion" [az96]
see Nostratic *HelV "to rise" [ag 79]
eluva "the (two) Animators (i.e. the Dioscuri) [az96]
enixunce "carried out" [az96]
"(one who) guards property?" [az96]
-ennus suffix [lrp 48]
see Latin opinari "to suppose, evaluate, believe" [az96]
< *ep-/*ip- "to vacillate, doubt" [az96]
epiuna "Ops (goddess)" [az96]
epiur, epeur "child/youth companion of Hercules, who presents him to Tinia or Minverva" [g/lb83]
"Opes, god of resources, strength, power" [az96]
epl "work, labor" [az96]
eple, epule "worker" [az96]
< *ep "strength, work, labor" [az96]
see Latin operare "to work, labor" [az96]
epni "wavering" [az96]
epnice "(one who has) wavered, uncertain" [az96]
eprthe- "superior charge, supremacy" [az96]
eprthne "superior, leader" [az96]
eprthnev "to be the leader" [az96]
eraiSce "agitated, moved" [az96]
eruna "agitation, movement?" [az96]
locative, instrumentive suffix [mp68: 396]
ermie "August (month)" [az96]
< *er- < *ghwer "heat" [az96]
"saved, spared (risparmiò)" [az96]
ez "to esteem, venerate" [az96]
eznxval "venerable, for veneration" [az96]
espia < eitvaspia (f.), expu, ezpa (m.) venerable, esteemed [az96]
esta "estimation, reward" [az96]
estac, estak "estimator" [az96]
< *aist-, *eith-, *eth-, *eitv- [az96]
esl-em zathrum "eighteen (two from twenty)" [g/lb83 79, mc91]
eslz "twice" [g/lb83, mc91, mp68]
see ta [mp68]
see ais, eis [mp68]
etan "this (accusative)" [mc91]
eta "seat, post" [az96]
etanei "seat" [az96]
see Latin aedes "building, temple, house" [az96]
etula (oblique) [az96]
< *et(h)-/*it- < *sed [az96]
ethava "seat, residence, temple, foundation" [az96]
see Latin sedes "seat, residence, temple, foundation" [az96]
from Umbrian [djh 72, g/lb83, mp68: 232]
"associate, iugus, continual" [az96]
eterau, eterav "referring to etera 'foreigner, slave, servant" [mp68]
zilath eterav, camthi eterau, zil eteraias officials connected with the etera [mp68]
etertic "viscera, intestines" [az96]
etras "internal?" [az96]
etri, ethrni "internal" [az96]
etrinthi "entrails", plural of *etrine [az96]
etrisna "(one who) weaves" [az96]
ethri gerund of eth < eith "being wary" [az96]
ethun "careful, respectful" [az96]
"Vesta" [az96]
"of equals, the same" [mc91: 151]
etnam "ita" [az96]
etnam . . . etnam "and . . . and; so . . . so" [az96]
etnam ix "so thatt" [az96]
see Latin ita "so, thus" [az96]
related to tur? [mp68]
see eter-ti, eter-tic, etrin-thi [mp68]
"Destiny" < "Plot-weaver" [az96]
"Time" [az96]
< evo [az96]
see Latin -aevus "age, epoch, era, time" [az96]
evrtun "revolving, praying?" [az96]
"Fate (Fas, Fatum)" [az96]
< *avth [az96]
This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.