Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
cia "folding, flexibility" [az96]
ciari. ciartia "dark, gloomy" [az96]
Cicero Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp 57]
cilens deity of underworld or fate; pars hostili/pars postica [mp68: 251]
cilnii family name (Latinized form?) [g/lb83 25]
cilth "sanctuary" [mp68]
cilth, cilthva "apex" > "haruspex, fulminator" [az96]
cilva "to swell, grow, blaze" [az96]
cina "family?" [az96]
cire- male name [mc91: 102]
cisterna "cistern" [lrp 48]
cisuita, cisvita "belonging to the clan, community" [az96]
citia "invite, summon, order?" [az96]
citz, ciz "thrill, motion, to wake" [az96]
civesana "family, community, race, lineage" [az96]
-cla, -cleri enclitic article [mp68: 397]
cla "to manifest, show, clarify" [az96]
clan, clen, clens, clenS "son" [am91, az96, cb, lb 90, mc91, mcv 8 Nov 96, mp 68/75, EB XXII:801, g/lb83, jpm, v]
Clanis "Chiana" river known for stagnant water [bm 24]
Clandius Latinized name [az96: 25]
claniu "one who breaks, beats, kills" [az96]
clapithe "one who beats" > "chiacchiera?" [az96]
claruxies name [az96]
clauce "blue or greenish gray" [az96]
clauthiethurasi "of the Claudii family" [g/lb85: 162]
clel "to call, shout" [az96]
cletra, cletram "basin, basket, cart for offerings" [am91, g/lb83, mp68]
cleva "gift, offering" [g/lb83, mcv 8 Nov 96, mp68: 409]
clevana "seer, prophet" [az96]
clevsin, clevsina "Chiusi (town)" [djh 14, g/lb83]
clivinia "favor" < "propensity" [az96]
cluce, clauce "clear" [az96]
clucthra, cluctra "clarity" [az96]
clute "lame" [az96]
cluth- "to close" [az96]
cluthi "drinking vessel, cup" [am91]
cluthumustha, clutmsta "Clytemnestra" [az96, g/lb83]
clz "development, growth, greatness, celebration" [az96]
cn, cen "this" [g/lb83 76, mc91: 50]
cnaive. cneve, cneveia, cneuna, neverna male name [az96. g/lb83]
cnare, cnareia "born, knowing, expert" [az96]
cnepni "one who thickens, condenses" [az96]
cntianth compound particle [mp68: 397]
cntnam "the same" [g/lb85: 171]
cofesi "cutter, carver" [az96: 392]
coisa- > cûra "care, cure, curate" Latin [cw 10, lb 90, mp 75, rc 74]
Corioli town named after family [lrp 57]
*cott "lamb" > Chút Romansh [jr 81]
cotte "cabin" French, English cottage [b/b 128]
crampa, crampe "paw, leg" [az96]
crapilu "engraver, etcher" [az96]
crap-s-ti "engraving, incision, cleft (in divinatory liver" [az96]
crapsti deity
craufa, craupania "fold" [az96]
creals "pain, torment"
creice "Greek" [g/lb83 65, lb/a 337, de Simone cit. az96]
crenalia "animal remains" [az96]
crepni "growing, increasing" [az96]
crepu name [az96]
crespe cognomen [az96, mc91: 99]
cresve "membrane?" [az96]
cretlu > crthl-, crutlu, krutmu "one who walks, advances, heavy" [az96]
cripe "handle, grip" [az96]
crisitha "shock, jerk, disturbance" [az96]
crucra "torment, pain" > "cross" [az96]
cruisie "accumulator, increaser" [az96]
crûmina "small purse" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]
crunsle, crusle "striker, slasher" [az96]
-cs-treS enclitic article [mp68: 397]
cuciie "existing" [az96]
cuclni family name [g/lb83 71]
cuclnie "circular, cyclical" [az96]
cucu "light (lume)" [az96]
cuie "prudence" [az96]
cuinte male name [g/lb83 57]
culixna, xuxlixna, culcna "cup, drinking tumbler, little kylix" [az96, g/lb83, mp68, pa]
culpiu "one who engraves, sculpts" [az96]
culs, culsu female underworld demon associated with Xarun & Tuxulxa
culSanS, culsans "Janus" [mc91: 53]; deity [g/lb83 85]
cumere "village dweller?" [az96]
cumn-, cumln- "burden, throng" [az96]
cunza "enemy, host?" [az96]
cuparia "Cupid" [az96]
cupe "cup" [g/lb83, mp68]
cupsln, cupsn "one who lies down, sleeps" [az96]
cure "decomposition due to heat, pus" [az96]
cursi female name [mc91: 125]
curtun "Cortona (town)" [mp68: 93]
curuna "crown" [az96]
cuS "to keep" [az96]
cusa "Orbetello (town)" [djh 14]
cusperiena "cusp" [az96]
cuther male name [mc91: 95]
cuthna, cutunia- cognomen, family name [g/lb85: 162]
cutlis "beater, scout, striker" [az96]
cutu personal name [g/lb83 77, mc91:72]
cuvie "clever, expert" [az96]
cvalv, cvlalile (plural) "one who torments, tortures" [az96]
cver, cvera "things, objects, gift offered or dedicated" [lb 90, mp 68/75]
cvethn "to rest, repose" [az96]
cvl alp deity of fate or underworld, pars hostilis/pars postica [mp68: 251]
The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
This compilation is copyrighted.
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999
ci, cis, ciS "three" [am91, cb. g/lb83, mc91, mp68]
ci zathrum "twenty three" [g/lb83 79]
ci-em ce-alx "twenty seven [g/lb83 79, mc91]
literally "three from thirty" [g/lb83 79, mc91]
ci-em zathrum "seventeen [g/lb83 79]
literally "three from twenty" [g/lb83 79]
ci-Sar "thirteen" [g/lb83 79]
ciala-th, cianil, ceanuth derivatives? of ci, cis, ciS "three" [mp68]
cialx, cialxu, cealx, cealxls, celx, celx-s, celxuS, celxls "thirty" [am91, az96, g/lb83, mc91, mp68]
ciz, cizi, citz "three times" [am91, az96, g/lb83, mp68]
developed with suffix *ki-ar-k, ki-shar-k ? [er 1 Mar 99, rab 332]
see Urartean kig "three" [ag 1978]
ciana "folding, flexibility, to bend" [az96]
"(one who) grows, gets bigger" [az96]
see cel [az96]
cilthcva "divine patron of a sanctuary (cilth)" [mp68]
< *glivi "swell, grow, blaze" [az96]
see Latin glisco "swell, grow, blaze" [az96]
Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48]
see Greek kiste [lrp 48]
cisum "(part) of the family" [az96]
< *kwihwit-s [az96]
see ceusn [az96]
clal "lineage, clan" [az96]
clante "of the race, lineage" [az96]
clenar, clinii-ar-as, clen-ar-aSi "sons" [am91, mcv 8 Nov 96, g/lb83, mc91, mp68]
clente "adoptive son?" [g/lb83 89]
clen-si, clin-si, clen-Si "to the son" [am91]
see Latin cliens "dependent" [htm]
see Nostratic *K.ülä "community, kin" [ag 79]
Italian from Tyrrhenian [bm 24]
see Doric klâroukhía [az96]
see Latin glaucus "blue or greenish gray" [az96]
cletra "oracular song, shout" [az96]
clen "luminous, happy" [az96]
klenase, klen "to be happy?" [az96]
clen cexa "willingly, deservedly" [az96]
cles "celebration" < "augmentation" [az96]
clesne "extensive, large, great" [az96]
clesva "grown, developed" [az96]
cluvenia "luminous (fem.)" [az96]
< *kel [az96]
see Umbrian kletra [g/lb83, mp68]
cluvenias "offerfeast ?" [mcv 8 Nov 96]
"oracle" [az96]
"precinct or enclosure (of Athena)" [htb]
clevsins "of/from Chiusi" [az96]
see Latin Clusium, Camars [djh 14, g/lb83]
see Latin claudus "lame" [g/lb85: 104, mc91: 99]
cluti- "ark, chest, box" [az96]
see *kleu-, *klu- [am91]
"Secret" [az96]
see Greek Klutaimêstra [g/lb83]
see cles [az96]
"nobilis" [az96]
see Latin Cnaeus, Gnaeus [g/lb83]
< *knatis [az96]
see Latin gnarus "knowing" [az96]
cûrâre, "to care for" Latin [cw 10]
of Etruscan origin?
of Rhaetian origin?
Tyrrhenian origin?
locative? [az96]
see Umbrian deity grabouie [g/lb83 91, 85: 126]
craup-z-n- "folded, bent mace, cudgel" [az96]
< *craupsta [az96]
< * krakhial-? [az96]
"bitten, chewed" > "painful, unhappy" [de Simone cit. az96]
< *krakhi-ce [az96]
see Latin Graecus [g/lb83 65, lb/a 337, de Simone cit. az96]
see Latin carnalia "carnal things" [az96: 392]
"arraffatore" [az96]
see Latinized Grebo [az96]
see Latin creber "thick, crowded" [az96]
"one who wrinkles, shudders, tosses" [az96]
see Latin Crispus "curly" [mc91: 99]
crisu "disturbed, moved" > "busied" [az96]
see Latin crux "cross" [az96]
see Greek Kroîosos [az96]
see Greek grumeá [lrp 48]
cuclu "(pertaining) to the circle, cycle" [az96]
see Latin Quintus [g/lb83 57]
see Greek kulíxna, kylix [az96, g/lb83, mp68]
"one who winds up, coils" [az96]
see Latin coluber "snake" [az96]
see Nostratic *q.oHlV "to kill" [ag 79]
"one who circles, turns, cycle" [az96]
culscva "tangle" > "guts" [az96]
see Latin Cupido "desire, lust, greed" [az96]
see Greek kúpê [g/lb83, mp68]
see Latin cuppa "cup" [g/lb83, mp68]
see Latin Cortôna [djh 14, g/lb83]
city name found in Italy and the Aegean: [mp68: 93]
Crotone (S. Italy) [mp68: 93]
Gyrton (Thessaly) [mp68: 93]
Gortyna (Arcadia, Crete, Macedonia) [mp68: 93]
Kyrton (Boeotia) [mp68: 93]
see Latin corona "crown" [az96]
cuSna, cuSithe "one who covers, guards" [az96]
cuSu "patron, protector" [az96]
< *keudh "to hide" [az96]
see Latin custodire "to keep, guard" [az96]
see Archaic Latin coisa- [rmcc]
see Latinized Cotonia [az96: 25]
"smith, artesan" < "puncher?" [az96]
cvelne "tormented, martyred" [az96]
cvenle "afflicted, grieving" [az96]
"sacred" [mc91]
"thanks" [az96]
"ex voto" [am91]
cvil, -cvil, cvl "gift" [g/lb83, lb 90, mp 68/75]
cvethnei, cuethnei, cueSna "one who reposes" [az96]
This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.