Etruscan Glossary H

Compilation and translations from French, Italian and Latin
by Rick Mc Callister and Silvia Mc Callister-Castillo ©1999

habere "to have" Latin [bc 199]
"to have" Umbrian [bc 199]
of Etruscan origin?

hafure, afure, hapre, hapuri family name [az96, mc91: 128]
"lucky" > "propitious" [az96]
hapre male name [az96: 22, mc91: 128]
haprni, haprn-, hapirn- family name corresponding to Latin Laberius[az96, mc91: 128]
"lucky" > "propitious" [az96]
< *hap/*haph "lucky, propitious" [az96: 22]
see Latin faber "smith, carpenter, artesan" [mc91: 128]

halna "something that leans, hangs" [az96]
< *hal-/*hel- [az96]

haltu "lame" [az96]
see English halt "lame" [rmcc]

halu, hal "stone, marker?" [az96]

haltuva, haltva "(object of ) favor" < "inclination" [az96]

halx "to vacillate, be uncertain" [az96]
halxza "uncertainty" [az96]

hama "part of the family, household" [az96]

hamphe "askew, sinister, left, left-handed, unlucky" [az96]
hamphete "left, left-handed" [az96]
hamphethi "disgrace, unfortunately" [az96]
hamthina name "left, left-handed, askew" [az96]
hamthisca "unlucky tendency" [az96]

hamphe- "May" [pa, dep]
see ampile [dep]

hamphiare, amphare "Amphiaraos" [g/lb85: 152, 161]

hanipalus "Hannibal (male name)" [mc91: 142]

hanthe, hante "before" [mcv, pa, dep]
"(which) blocks, impedes" [az96]
hanthin "in front of" [gg 4 Mar 99]
hauthin "in front of" [g/lb83 87]
< *Hant- [mcv 9-2-99]
see Latin ante "before" [pa, dep]
see Greek anti "against, in front of" [dep]
see Armenian and "in front of" [dep]
see Lithuanian ant "in front of" [dep]
see Hittite hanti "in front of" [dep]

hamthin "to grasp" > "to comprehend" [az96]

hanu "occupant" [az96]

hare, hare "weight" [az96]

harth "strong, hard" [az96]

haruspic "priest" [cb]

hasti, hastia, fasti, fastia female name [g/lb85: 103, mc91: 97]
"acute, fine" [az96]
hastntru, fastntru "pointed" [az96]

hasutis "having overturned?" [az96]
hausti "overturned" [az96]

hate, hathe "hateful, hostile" [az96]
hatu, hatrunia (fem.) "hateful, hateful, angry, sullen" [az96]
hatrencu "sad" [az96]
see English hate [az96]

haun, *heun "to be dull, blunt" [az96]
see Latin hebêre "to be dull, blunt" [az96]

havasianna, havrenie, havrna "(one who) hears, perceives" [az96]
< *hauZ- [az96]

havrnas, havrenias, harenies personal name? [mc91; az96: 25]

haxixu "enclosure?" [az96]

heasun, hiasunu "Jason" [az96]
"intemperate" < "greedy" [az96]

hec-, hex-, hec-i, hec-ia, hec-e, hec-ce, hec-z-ri, hex-z, hex-Sth "put, place, add" [g/lb83, mp68, pa, dep]
hecz-ri "placement" [mp68: 405];
"to take care of, manage. settle" [az96]
hecce, hece, heci, heki, hecece "to cure, cured (past)" [az96]
"bottom" [am91]
hecia "cured, helped" [az96]
hecta "disposition?" [az96]
hexz, hexsth, hexSth, hexth "put, add" [mp68: 399, gzb]
"cure, cure yourself (imperative)" [az96]

hefina "taken" > "perception" [az96]

heimni > hemni "one who (si) wraps, covers" > "clothes" [az96]

heiri, heirina, herina "rocky, rugged" [az96]

heitva "stop, establishment, lodging?" [az96]

hel "until, to the greatest extent" [az96]

hele "sad, angry, sullen" [az96]
helu "to get sad, mad" [az96]
helucu "sad, mournful" [az96]
helusnei "(one who) gets sad" [az96]

helenaia "(which) bends, lowers" [az96]
helene "one who descends upon, lowers oneself" [az96]
hels "to fold, recline?" [az96]
helSc "reclined" [az96]
helzunia "(which) folds" [az96]

helS "(one's) own" [g/lb85: 161]

hemsince "taken, prisoner" [az96]
< *heph < *gheph [az96]

hen "to leave, let, permit?" [az96]

hepa "Magliano (town)" [g/lb83]
see Greek Heba [g/lb83]

hepeni, hepni "(one who) finds, gets, gathers" [az96]
heph "to gather, grab, get" [az96]

heplenta "Hippolyta" [az96]
"slow, unperceiving" [az96]

heracana, herecana personal name [g/lb 85: 27]

heramaSva, heramsva, heramue, heramve "statue" [lb 199, mc91: 73, mcv 8 Nov 96]
"proclaimed by an oracle, profatus est" [az96]
herm- "to lead, conduct" [am91]
herama "oracle" [az96]
herma, herme "Hermes; statue?" [g/lb83]
herme sacred society dedicated to Hermes [dep]
hermeri "Hermes; statue?" [g/lb83]
"to be led" [am91]
*hermi- "August" [g/lb83]
classical gloss Ermius [g/lb83]
hermu "Hermes; statue?" [g/lb83]
"having led" [am91]
see Latin herm- "statue of Hermes" [g/lb83, mp68]
see Greek Hermes [dep]

hercle, herxle, herecele "Hercules, He:raklê:s" [az96, g/lb83, mp68: 251]

herclite "one who saws (serra), chains?" [az96]

hercna "dragger" [az96]

hercnas family name [g/lb83 76, mc91: 144]

herma "place" [dep]

herma family name (cognomen) [g/lb83 73]
herma "painful" [az96]
herme "sad, painful" [az96]
hermu "unhappy, afflicted" [az96]

*hermi "August" [pa]

hersine-, hersu "bristling, horrid? [az96]

hescna "complaining" [az96]
hesni "imploration" [az96]
< *hves- [az96]
see Latin querulus "complaining" [az96]

hethari, hetari "acute, sublte, spirited, sparkling" [az96]
hethie, hethu "fine" > "elegant" [az96]
hetrn "to sharpen, provoke" [az96]
hetum "to stir up, persecute, pursue" [az96]
see hiziu [az96]

heun, hevn "to be weak, obtuse, blunt" [az96]
heva "obtuse, blunt" [az96]

hia "to reveal" < "to open" [az96]

hic "this" [bc 199]
of Etruscan origin?

hil, hilxva "colony (people)" [az96]

hilare "propitiation" [az96]
hilarthune, hilarthuna "making happy, (one who) propitiates, makes lucky" [az96]
see Greek hílasma [az96]

himiu "helmet" [az96]

hinth, hintha, hinthu, hinthie, hinthin, hinththin "below, beneath" [g/lb83: 80, mp68]
"infernal, pertaining to the Infers" [pa]
hinthial "ghost, image, soul, shade, apparition" [az96, cb, v, g/lb83, mp68, pa, dep]
hinthin "from below" [g/lb83 87]
hinthiu "underground, infernal" [g/lb83 80]
see Latin inferus "below" [dep]
see Sanskrit adhas "under" [dep]
see Avestan ada "below, under" [dep]
see Gothic undar "below" [dep]
see Tocharian A anc "below" [dep]
see Indo-European *ndheri "below" [dep]

hintha, hanthin "acquired, seized by a vision" [az96]
hinthial "ghost, image, soul, shade, apparition" [az96, cb, v, g/lb83, mp68]
hinthiu "one who appears, seizes" [az96]
hinththin "to find, appear" [az96]
hinthu "one who seizes, comes to grasp, perceives, grabs?" [az96]
< *hinth-, *henth-, *hanth- "to grab, to find" [az96]

hirsunaie family name [g/lb83 84]

hirumie, herumie, heram "vate" [az96]

hirumina personal name [g/lb83 110]
see Latin Herminius [g/lb83 110]

hister, histriô "to act, actor" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, mp68: 369, rah 59, pb 24-25, gm97, pa]

hisu "acute, fine" [az96]
hiuls "owl" [mp68, az96, pa]

hivu "(pars?) familiaris (divnination liver)" [az96]

horta goddess of agriculture [EM]

huatna "heavy, ponderous" [az96]
hure, hurtu "weight" [az96]
huria "seriousness, weight" [az96]
huriniia "gravity, oppression" [az96]
< *hur-/*har- < *ghwR "weight" [az96]

hucu "reflexive, prudent" [az96]

huevia "life" [mp cit az96: 410]

huini "lady" [az96]
huinthnaia "effeminate (muliebris)" [az96]
< *gwena [az96]

hulu "inclined, propitious" [az96]

hulxnie, hulcnie family name [g/lb83 88, mc91]

hupe- "lying, to lie, lay" [az96]
hupni, hufni "sepulchral environment or place" [mp68, pa]
"sleep" [am91]
hupni-S, hunine-thi "sepulchral environment or place" [mp68]
"sleep" < "situating, lying down" [az96]
hupnina "sepulchral environment or place" [mp68, pa]
"respository" [am91]
"bed, cot, place of rest" [az96]

hursi, hursic "horrid, acrid" [az96]

hus-, huS-, huz- "son, boy, young man, child" [am91, g/lb83, mc91, mp68. vs/amr 189, pa, dep, gzb]
husina, husl "young person" [pa, dep, gzb]
husiur, hus-ur, huSur, huz-ur "youth, children" [am91, g/lb83, mc91, vs/amr 189]
"orphans, wards, sons" [az96]
husl, husili, huslne, husl-S-tS, husine connected to "young" [mp68, pa, dep, gzb]
huzrnatre "youth, young people?" [mp68]
huzmatre "youth" [am91]
see Old English hys "young warrior"; very doubtful [dep]

husi male name [G. Colonna cit. PA]
corresponding to Latin Salvius [G. Colonna cit. PA]

husilitule "hostile (plural)" [az96]
see Latin hostiles "enemy, foreign" [az96]

hus-ilitune "victim" [az96: 16]

husina, huslna "brocca: 'plant shoot', also 'jug, pitcher" [az96]

huslne "to scatter" [az96]
huslnests "scattered" [az96]
husl "instill, inspire, scatter" [az96]

huSrna, huzrna, huSrnana "protector" [az96]
huteri 'to give custody" [az96]
hutie, huzlunia "custodian, protector (fem.)" [az96]
hutila "custodian, protector (fem.)" [az96]
hutni "secrecy, cover" [az96]
huts "cover, ark, sanctuary" [az96]
huzrna "ark, sanctuary, refuge, safe place" [az96]
huznethi "arks" [az96]
see Latin custodes "guardian" [az96]

hustile, hustle "(of) hazelnut, fruit stone" [az96]

huth "four" [ag 1978, mcv]
"four, six?" [pa]
"four?, six?" [mc91, mp68]
"six" [g/lb83, vs/amr 189]
huthith "four" [gm97]
huths one of the 4 Charun daemons [Beekes & van de Meer cit. mcv]
huthz "four times" [mc91]
huthzars "fourteen" [az96, mc91]
"sixteen" [mc91]
see huthte, huthzars, huteri [mp68]
see Kartvelian *otx- "four" [ag 1978]
see Indo-European *ok'tou-, ok'to- "eight" [ag 1978]
< *kut [mcv 8 Nov 96]
see Indo-European *kwetwor [mcv 8 Nov 96]
see Greek city Hyttenía (latter called Tetrápolis) [mcv 19 May 98]
< *khwet- [az96]

huvith "sense, perception" [az96]

hux "to consider, worry" [az96]

This page represents the opinion of the author
and does not reflect the policies of the Mississippi University for Women.

The compilers thank Adolfo Zavaroni for his generous assistance and objectivity.
We thank Gabriela Mc Callister-Castillo for her research assistance.
We thank G. Bruce Cobbold for his inspiration.

This compilation is copyrighted.
Feel free to make copies for personal use
but this document may not be used any commercial purposes.
Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy.
Cite the original sources in any publications.
Please advice us of any typographical or translation errors.
